Present the truth as taught by the Master!

by Bill Parker 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker


    Saturday, December 01, 2001

    There are many religious doctrines that are presented to us today by various Christian scholars; and individuals who believe that the Bible supports their beliefs. But when called upon to support their beliefs with scripture they are unable to present a solid scriptural discussion that cannot be refuted.

    A case in point is the belief of the “Trinity Doctrine.” Another is the belief in the teaching of an “Immortal Soul.” Still another is the belief in “Torment” “in a fiery place called Hell.” “ Purgatory” is still another.

    Are these teachings biblically sound? If so how should they be presented to others? Does the Bible mark out a particular way to present these teachings so that it is impossible to refute them? We will see that it does. If it does not then they are false teachings and to be avoided.

    If we find that the Bible does not support these teachings would we be willing to discard them in favor of what the Bible really does say about them?

    What is the scriptural way to present all of the truths found in the Bible? What did Jesus Himself have to say about this matter? What method of teaching did He impart to the 1st century Christians? How did He say that we should worship His Father Jehovah?

    The answer to the last question can be found in the account in John 4: 5-26.
    … Jesus said: “Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know; for salvation comes from the Jews. But the hour will come- in fact it is here already- when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth: this is the kind of worshiper the Father wants. God is Spirit, and those who worship MUST worship in spirit and truth.” {Verses 21-24} Before I discuss this scripture any further I would like to draw attention to what the Bible has to say in the prophecies of Daniel. “ But you O, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the the time of the end. {Then} many shall run to and fro and search anxiously {through the book}, and knowledge {of God’s purposes as revealed by His Prophets} shall be increased and become great.” {Daniel 12:4} … “ and they who are wise and understanding among the people shall instruct many and make them understand” …{Daniel 11: 33} … “ and none of the wicked shall understand, but the teachers and those who are wise shall understand.”

    When Jesus appeared on the earth the end of the Jewish system of things was very close at hand. So at that time they were living in the “time of the end.” In Matthew 24: 1,2 Jesus foretold the complete destruction of the Jewish Temple. In 70 c. e. that prophesy was fulfilled when the Roman Army led by General Titus completely destroyed the Jewish Temple. That is now a matter of history.

    From Daniel’s time right up to time of Christ the Book was sealed. So no one alive in that time of spiritual darkness could understand what was written in Jehovah’s word of truth. It was sealed until the time of the end. As Christ began His ministry the seal on the book was removed. Then the first application of Daniel 12:4 went into effect. … “ Knowledge of God’s purposes as revealed by His Prophets was increased and became great.” {Daniel 12:4} This of course would have a chain reaction. Those who were wise and who understood Jesus teachings would in turn impart their knowledge to other wise one’s. We read in Romans 10:18 about the great impact Jesus Ministry had on the World of Mankind at that time. Those whom He chose to send out filled the entire inhabited earth of their time with that knowledge.

    This brings us back to where Jesus spoke to the Samaritan Woman at the side of the well. The conversation He had with this woman explains how they accomplished this feat. “The hour will come- in fact it is here already when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth” …John 4:23 Those He taught were able to accomplish that earthshaking preaching campaign because they were worshiping the Father in “spirit and truth.” What exactly does that mean? Turning to 1 John 5:6 informs in part: “the spirit is the truth.” In 2 Peter 1: 19-21 we learn this: “So we have conformation of what was said in prophecies and you will be right to depend on prophecy and take it as a lamp for lighting a way through the dark until the dawn comes and the morning star rises rises in your minds. At the same time we must be most careful to remember that the interpretation of scriptural prophecy is never a matter for the individual. Why? Because no prophecy ever came from man’s initiative. When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them.” In 1 John 5:6 we learn that “the Spirit is the truth.” The Apostle John informs us “that no lie can come from the truth.” 1 John 2:21. Compare Titus I: 2-Hebrews 6:18. Speaking about those faithful men who took the lead in the first century the Apostle John in Revelation 14:5 tells us about them: “ They never allowed a lie to pass their lips and no fault can be found in them.” Every word they taught was exactly what Jehovah wanted them to say. They were all “filled with Holy Spirit.” They gained and maintained that Spirit right to the end of their lives. That is why they were able to fully accomplish their ministry. Acts 2: 1-13, 14-21

    In our day are we able to follow a like course? Of necessity we must! The way to do exactly as all of Jehovah’s faithful witnesses have done is clearly marked out in the Bible.

    Beginning with 1 Corinthians 1:10 we read this: “ But I urge and entreat you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in perfect harmony and full agreement in what you say, and that there be no dissension’s or factions or divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in your common understanding and your opinions and judgments.”

    So everything we believe and teach must be exactly in harmony with those 1st Century Christians with absolutely no deviation. Paul counseled us … “not to go beyond the things that are written” 1 Corinthians 4:6. In harmony with that statement are the words of the Apostle Luke at Acts 26:22 where he stated: “ to this day I have had the help which comes from God … and so I stand here testifying to small and great alike, asserting nothing beyond what the Prophets as well as Moses declared would come to pass.” Then we learn from the Apostle Paul, this: … “Every fact is to be confirmed by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” 2 Corinthians 13:1 So in every teaching or interpretation of scripture that we put forth must be in full harmony with those early Christians. We must examine every teaching today by looking to those ancient writers for guidance. We must use these faithful men as our “two or three witnesses” to establish every teaching as to whether it is true or false.

    In the matter of the Trinity doctrine we will look to what those ancient Prophets believed to see if it harmonizes with this teaching. It must be remembered I only need three of the ancient witnesses to establish what I say as the truth! At Deuteronomy 6:4 we read this: “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God is ONE LORD.” {The only LORD} This same witness penned these words in Psalms 83:18. “That they may know You, whose name ALONE is Jehovah, are the most High over all the earth.” The Prophet Malachi wrote: “Have we not all ONE FATHER? Has not ONE GOD created us?” Malachi 2:10. Zechariah wrote: “And the LORD shall be King over all the earth; in that day the LORD shall be ONE … and His name ONE.” Zechariah 14:9 Compare I Corinthians 15:28. So we see that those ancient witnesses did not believe or teach the doctrine of the Trinity!

    What about the 1st Century Christians? For the bible to be a complete harmonious whole they would have had to be in full accord with those ancient witnesses. Were they? Notice the Apostles Paul’s words at Ephesians 4: 4,5. {There is} one body and one spirit-just as there is also one hope {that belongs} to the calling you received- {There is} ONE Lord, {Jesus Christ} one faith, one baptism. ONE GOD and Father of us all Who is above all {Sovereign over all”}… The Apostle James wrote: “You believe there is ONE GOD; you do well. So do the Demons believe” … Jesus told His followers: … “ONE” is your Father, the Heavenly One.” Matthew 23:9. It can be seen from this that none of Jehovah’s faithful people ever believed or taught the doctrine of the Trinity. Since the Demons were at one time dwelling in the heavenly realm they would have known for a certainty just how Jehovah should have been viewed. They did not believe that He was a three in one God. They knew He was only ONE GOD! That knowledge caused them to shudder. As it should the Trinitarians!

    Even and with much more importance was Jesus own view because He also existed in the heavenly realm before His presence on earth. He stated Himself “Why do you ask me about the perfect and essentially good? There is only ONE who is good {perfectly and essentially”} …Matthew 19: 17. The matter has been scripturally established at the “mouth of more than the required “two or three” witnesses! The Trinity doctrine is a false teaching!

    Who in their right mind would want to argue against what the Son of God Himself taught about this matter? All of the 1st Century Christians referred to Jesus as the “SON OF GOD”, not GOD! There are many, many references in scripture to support that. There are also many references to show that Jesus and His Father are distinctly different and show clearly that Jesus is not Jehovah. To cite them all would make my discussion book length. Those references are there. Truth hungry one’s will search them out for themselves. Those with no spiritual appetite will not bother.

    What about the doctrine of “Purgatory?” Do the dead really go into this place and await their judgment. Then later receive their rewards or punishments? What do the ancient and 1st Century Christians have to say about this teaching?

    What punishment did Jehovah pass on the perfect pair that He put in the Garden of Eden? Did He say that they were going into a place called Purgatory? I have never read that! Neither has anyone else! He told them: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil … you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall surly die.” {Genesis 2: 17} So then where do the dead go after they die? Where does the Bible say they are? Does it say there are in Purgatory?

    I guess the words of Jehovah God are sufficient in this case to establish the matter sufficiently. But I will supply other witnesses to buttress my argument. Jehovah told the pair: “In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you shall return.” Think about this! Would Jehovah sentence a perfect pair of people to die to return to the dust; and then allow imperfect persons to suffer agonies in torment in a fiery hot place? That would be much more punishment than the perfect pair received. That would certainly throw the divine scales of justice out of balance. The Psalmist wrote: “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no help. When his breath leaves him, he returns to his earth; in that very day his {previous} thoughts, plans, and purposes perishes.” {Psalms 146: 3,4} All of these witnesses together put to death the Hell Fire Teaching, the Purgatory doctrine as well as the doctrine of the immortal soul! At Ecclesiastes 9: 5 we read: “For the living know that they will die. But the dead KNOW NOTHING; and they have no more reward {here}, for the memory of them is forgotten.” Verse 10 reads: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol {the place of the dead}, where you are going.”

    This article thus far has clearly shown that all of the aforesaid teachings are totally out of harmony with all of the Bible writers. Some do not believe that the preaching work should be done today. This idea has also been shown to be a false idea. In as much as it is being done in our day. Is foretold that it would be. Has been done for quite some time now. None of the ancient Prophets or 1st Century Christians taught such things as have been dealt with here. They are all false teachings. That has been conclusively proven! They have completely “gone beyond” what all of the Bible writers spoke and taught. Those who are guilty of teaching those God dishonoring doctrines, as well as all those who in turn believe and teach them themselves are in dire peril. Why?

    Notice the inspired words of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 1:8,9. “But even if we or an angel out of heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, he is to be condemned.” In verse nine he repeats this statement. All of the teachings under consideration are “contrary” and “different” to what the ancient Prophets spoke and wrote. They are a babble of confusion designed to mislead those searching for truth.

    Some today believe and teach that we must follow and apply the Mosaic Law. Should we? Does the Bible support this idea? The point that I am about to make about this I will establish at “the mouth of three witnesses.” The point is this: The nations of the world were never taken into that covenant. They were not then or now under that covenant. They were not included at the time that Law was brought into being. So they were never obligated to follow that Law. Here are the three witnesses that support what I have said. Psalm 147:19,20 “He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; and as for His ordinances they have not known them. ”Amos 3:1,2 continues: “Hear this word that the LORD has spoken against you, O children of Israel against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt: You ONLY have I known …of all the families of the earth” … Romans 3:1,2 supplies the final witness to establish what I have stated as the truth. … “ {Only} the Jews were entrusted with the oracles the brief communications, the intentions, the utterances of God.” Jehovah does not hold guilty the nations for anything written under that law. If they try to apply that law now they are rejecting the ransom sacrifice. Then they will be held guilty! By doing that they put themselves under obligation to perform the whole law. If anyone sits down opens their Bible and reads completely chapters 3 and 4 of Galatians they will clearly recognize that no one today is under the Mosaic Law. Notice what Paul said in Galatians 5:4: “ if you seek to be justified and declared righteous and to be given a right standing with God through the law, you are brought to nothing and so separated {severed} from Christ. You have fallen away from grace” … Paul tells us in Colossians 2:14 that the old Mosaic law was “taken out of the way” it was “nailed to the Cross” {tree-stake} Pick one! Note Hebrews 8: 7-13. Specifically verse 13. “When He said a new covenant He has made the first obsolete.” Romans 10:4 tells us: “For Christ is the end of the Law” …So those who tell us that we must observe that law is teaching a false teaching. Scripture overwhelmingly supports that. So much so that it is a subject to deal with at a later time.

    “Who really is the faithful Slave” today? It is all those who profess to be Jehovah’s Witnesses today! Those who have their feet firmly planted in the footsteps of Christ following exactly the guidelines He laid out in dispensing spiritual truths. They must do as those first Century Christians did. When they learned the truth they discarded their way of worship under the Mosaic Law. In favor of true worship. Others as well at that time did likewise. They abandoned the false way of worship that they were following. They began presenting the truth just as Jesus had taught them to. Can we today do any less and expect to have Jehovah’s favor and blessing? Absolutely not!

    Jesus told His followers “What you hear whispered Shout from the house tops" {Matthew 10: 27}

    The entire brotherhood of Jehovah’s witnesses today worldWide must now follow this direction. They have heard something that was whispered. Does fear of man’s oppressive tactics {Disfellowshipping} {Marking} {Shunning} hold them back from shouting from the housetops something that they have heard whispered? Then their fear is misplaced. “It is Jehovah your God you should fear and Him Alone you render sacred service” Luke 12:5

    Those who really do follow the example set by Christ will incur the hatred of all that are not lovers of Jehovah even though they may profess to be. They will suffer the ill treatment inflicted upon them by oppossers. They will be ridiculed, insulted abused in every way possible. Should that discourage anyone? Not in the least! All of Jehovah’s faithful servants suffered treatment like that! It served to show that the Spirit of God was resting upon them. 1 Peter 4:14. It was a cause for great joy! When we are not receiving treatment like that we are doing something wrong! So expect it. Enjoy it when it comes. When it does you will know that you are presenting the truth exactly as the Messiah presented it! End!

  • Englishman
    Does fear of man’s oppressive tactics {Disfellowshipping} {Marking} {Shunning} hold them back from shouting from the housetops something that they have heard whispered?

    So then, you agree that shunning is unscriptural, a device of fear utilised by the WTBTS?


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • Frenchy

    I made a reply to your other thread about 'this generation'. You never responded so I thought I would ask you outright here so that i will know how to treat your posts from now on: Are you open for discussion on the things you post on this board or are you only preaching?

  • Seeker4

    What are you trying to say?

    This paragraph is as confusing a piece of circular thinking, disassociated quotes and gobblygook nonsense as I've ever read. Reread this and try again:

    "Those He taught were able to accomplish that earthshaking preaching campaign because they were worshiping the Father in “spirit and truth.” What exactly does that mean? Turning to 1 John 5:6 informs in part: “the spirit is the truth.” In 2 Peter 1: 19-21 we learn this: “So we have conformation of what was said in prophecies and you will be right to depend on prophecy and take it as a lamp for lighting a way through the dark until the dawn comes and the morning star rises rises in your minds. At the same time we must be most careful to remember that the interpretation of scriptural prophecy is never a matter for the individual. Why? Because no prophecy ever came from man’s initiative. When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them.” In 1 John 5:6 we learn that “the Spirit is the truth.” The Apostle John informs us “that no lie can come from the truth.” 1 John 2:21. Compare Titus I: 2-Hebrews 6:18. Speaking about those faithful men who took the lead in the first century the Apostle John in Revelation 14:5 tells us about them: “ They never allowed a lie to pass their lips and no fault can be found in them.” Every word they taught was exactly what Jehovah wanted them to say. They were all “filled with Holy Spirit.” They gained and maintained that Spirit right to the end of their lives. That is why they were able to fully accomplish their ministry. Acts 2: 1-13, 14-21"

    WHAT???? You make less sense than the WTS at times.

  • Frenchy

    My thoughts exactly, S4. Note this particular line:

    “At the same time we must be most careful to remember that the interpretation of scriptural prophecy is never a matter for the individual. Why? “ –BP

    Why? Because it would put religion and jack leg prophets out of business, that’s why. To whom or for whom was the Bible written? Is it a book for only a few? Which few? Who has been authorized to do the interpreting? What are their credentials?

    The Bible authors are not with us today and so are not able to be consulted. All that is left are their words which are more times than not somewhat if not outright cryptic. If that were not enough most of us have to rely upon translations (which are in themselves interpretations) which are unable to convey the exact meaning and flavor of what was originally written. We next add to this that the cultural and great time differences between the writers and modern day readers.

    “So everything we believe and teach must be exactly in harmony with those 1st Century Christians with absolutely no deviation.” --BP

    Who makes that determination? There is a lot of detail that is missing as to exactly how those first century congregations functioned. The Bible is not a handbook of procedures and a list of doctrines for the operation of the congregation.

  • Seeker4

    "“So everything we believe and teach must be exactly in harmony with those 1st Century Christians with absolutely no deviation.” --BP"

    Does this guy know ANYTHING abut 1st Century Christianity?? Bill - go read Elaine Pagels "The Gnostic Gospels." There was massive dissension among 1st century Christians - and that is plain even in the Bible. One simple example: The elders in Acts 15 state that they were to keep free from anything sacraficed to idols. But at 1 Co. 10:25, in the midst of a discussion of this very subject, the writer says don't inquire about the matter unless you know it's going to stumble someone.

    I think this is just the bleatings of another self-important Bible beater. All these folks who know just what God means and wants us all to do. Where would we be without them??? Using our brains.

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    To all with the exception of Englishman!

    You are all entitled to your opinions. At the same time I am entitled to mine. Who is right who is wrong will be made known by Jehovah when He is ready to do it. If I am wrong I will be chastized by Jehovah. If you are then you will be chastized. Let's wait and see how it all turns out.I will continue on with what I am doing. Because my own coscience is impelling to do what I do. You continue on with what you are doing. I think that's fair. I can live with that. You should be able to too.Bill

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    The answer to your question is yes. I believe that that pratice is not meant for Christians today. I am not saying that the willfully wicked shouldn't be removed. I am saying that I do not believe that it is any man's business to do that today. My twenty two page article on Apostasy covered that point in depth. It is still on the board. It is a long read I know. Perhaps you could quickly scroll through it until you get to where that is covered. Examine only that portion. Let me know what you think about my reasoning.Look at the parable of the wheat and the weeds.The disciples asked Jesus: "Do you want us to collect them out." Jesus told them: "NO" "Let them grow together until the harvest season." HE said that He would send forth the angels to do that work. He is the only one who can really tell the difference between those weeds and wheat. He did not want them to take the chance of pulling up the wheat along with the weeds. He was saying at that point without saying it, you cannot read the heart!Only Jehovah's appointed judge can do that Will do that. First Century Christians who had those special gifts of the spirit could read the heart.They were empowered by Jehovah to do that. So where corinthians say's to remove the wicked man from among yourselves,because certain one's could read the heart , they could carry out that command. Who today can read the heart as those first century christians could? There is no one. That is why I do not agree with the action of disfelloshipping marking and shunning. Bill

  • Satanus

    Gee Bill

    From your title and the beginning of your post, i thought you were going to stick w jesus' way of acting. Instead of staying in the spirit and truth, you diverged from his way to the opinions of others, such as peter and paul. You're just another walking talking book, bill. Too bad.


  • bjc2012

    Hi Bill:

    In 2 Peter 1: 19-21 we learn this: “So we have confirmation of what was said in prophecies and you will be right to depend on prophecy and take it as a lamp for lighting a way through the dark until the dawn comes and the morning star rises rises in your minds. At the same time we must be most careful to remember that the interpretation of scriptural prophecy is never a matter for the individual. Why? Because no prophecy ever came from man’s initiative. When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them.”
    This is a quote from the "Jerusalem Bible", and it is a very good one.

    The "Today's English Version" similarly conveys the same thought of the "Jerusalem Bible's" translation of 2 Peter 1:19-21 by saying,

    "So we are even more confident of the message proclaimed by the prophets. You will do well to pay attention to it, because it is like a lamp shining in a dark place, until the Day dawns and the light of the morning star shines in your hearts. Above all else, however, remember this: NO ONE CAN EXPLAIN, BY HIMSELF, a prophecy in the Scriptures. For no prophetic message ever came just from the will of man, but men were carried along by the Holy Spirit as they spoke the message that came from God." (2 Peter 1:19-21 Today's English Version)

    This part, "NO ONE [no UNINSPIRED human] can explain, by himself, a prophecy."

    No human "by himself", or without Divine Help or inspiration, can "explain" Bible prophecy.

    And yet, so many today, as in the past continue to try. They try to explain Bible prophecy, WITHOUT claiming Divine inspiration. But as could be expected, they always fail. Just as the WTS did. They claimed also to be uninspired, but "spirit-directed". Still, uninspired by God. And they failed miserably in their "interpretations" of Bible prophecy.

    The Jerusalem Bible renders that critical portion of 2 Peter 1:19-21,

    "At the same time we must be most careful to remember that the interpretation of scriptural prophecy is NEVER A MATTER FOR THE INDIVIDUAL. Why?"

    Why? This is a good question.

    This is because the "Prophetic Word" is itself inspired by God, and thus must be "INTERPRETED" by one who is likewise "inspired" by God.

    If attempted by man without Divine Help, mortal man without "INSPIRATION," then would find the task, impossible -- beyond the scope of mortal men.

    This is why, one who is himself, inspired by God, must then come to mankind and explain it. In other words, "that which is complete" must arrive and explain it to "truth-seekers" upon earth. The personification of the "spirit of truth," must arrive and "guide us into ALL TRUTH," even though we know he will not be "received" favorably at all by the "world". (1 Cor. 13:10; John 14:17; 16:7,8, 13)

    This person, will be "inspired" by God to present this message of hope.

    So it is not just a matter of this person being "anointed". Just being "anointed" alone, will not be enough by itself. But in addition to his being "anointed", the same as individuals were of the first century congregation, but in addition to this, he would also have to have certain "GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT". He would have the "gift" of interpreting "inspired utterances" or prophecies.

    He would have to have this particular ability to correctly intrepret Bible Prophecy for God's servants today. A unique God-given ability that is far beyond and far surpasses any human ability known to mankind today to finally, fully interpret the Holy "Prophets" & Sacred Writings of God, just as Jesus did while on earth. (Luke 24:27) In this way, Jehovah God becomes, uniquely the "God of the inspired expressions of the Holy Prophets" of old. Jehovah becomes The "Revealer" of His great "sacred secret" or "mystery of God," well-hidden within the much overlooked, "good news" or "gospel" of the "prophetic scriptures" of old. (Acts 3:21; Revelation 22:6; Romans 16:25, 26; Revelation 10:7)

    Divine Inspiration is absolutely needed, in its complete sense as 2 Peter 1:19-21 shows. That is the point of these verses.

    It is also the main point of 1 Corinthians 12:10 which shows, among other things, an itemization of the "gifts of the spirit" given out among first century christians. Included on that sacred list of "gifts" is the God-given unique ability of,

    "...Discernment of inspired utterances..." (1 Corinthians 12:10)

    That's "Discernment" or Interpretation of Divinely "inspired utterances". Prophetic messages from God.

    This is a most unique and special "gift" from God, granted only to those who are already "anointed" by His Spirit. A "gift" to the already "anointed" of God. A special "gift" to "Discern" or "interpret" inspired utterances or prophetic sayings, originally inspired by Himself.

    Thus, since "inspiration" is definitely involved in the Divine "interpretation" given to mankind, this being the case, then it can be only said that "God" uniquely, is the only real "interpreter" of His Words or prophetic messages of old. Ordinary man, no matter how sincere, no matter how diligent, no matter how much he studies, how much he prays, how much he meditates, and on and on, still, ordinary man, does not possess the capability to correctly interpret prophetic messages of God. Its just that simple. That is the main point of 2 Peter 1:19-21 itself.

    It becomes just as Joseph said long ago,

    "Do not interpretations BELONG TO GOD?" (Genesis 40:8)

    Humbly, Joseph realized, that although he was used by God to interpret Pharaoh's dreams, nevertheless, it was really Jehovah, that truly made the actual "interpretation" itself. God did this. And Joseph wanted no credit for this at all.

    The bible account of Pharaoh and Joseph illustrates this.

    "Then Pharaoh said to Joseph I have dreamed a dream, but there is no interpreter of it. Now I myself have heard it said about you that you can hear a dream and interpret it. At this Joseph answered pharaoh, saying: I NEED NOT BE CONSIDERED! God will announce welfare to Pharaoh." [literally "Without me God will Announce!"] (Genesis 41:15, 16)

    So, "interpretations" of Prophecy and Holy Scripture "belong to God", only. Therefore when it comes to His Inspired Word and Prophetic Messages, the Almighty must then "interpret", He must "inspire" someone to interpret, so that when it does becomes known to mankind the fulfillments of Holy messages, then it must be also realized that it is only He, that is to be considered, truly the "Revealer of Secrets". And no man can claim such at all. Man has no part in this. (Daniel 2:28, 29, 47)

    Therefore, that is why it is absolutely impossible for man, on his own, to correctly interpret the Prophetic Words of the scriptures. God must cause this to happen, miraculously, when the "spirit of truth" arrives, which as John said, must "proceed from the Father". (John 15:26)

    That "one" in whom God will use in this "capacity" has been identified for us within the prophetic messages of long ago, as being the one clearly spoken of in Ezekiel 44:1-3.


    Ezekiel's Mystery "Chieftain" Link:


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