Yea, shop... what you're seeing is small minded persons who "like" her, like they know her because of what they see on TV... they're fooled.
Frozen one, Jack Broyles disagrees with me? I haven't said crap, the words above are Palin's own words... I bet you didn't even bother to read it did you...if he disagrees at all, then he disagrees with Palin.
Buffaloes may be free but you mind damn sure isn't... still scared of terrorists are we? Use the force Luke, free yourself form your fears and you'll be free from the dark side.
Answer the question Governer.. if you only knew the answers! LOL!
by dawg 20 Replies latest jw friends
frozen one
Jack Broyles disagrees with me? I haven't said crap, the words above are Palin's own words... I bet you didn't even bother to read it did you...if he disagrees at all, then he disagrees with Palin.
Did you watch that clip, dawg? I thought you'd get a laugh out of it. Geez, find your one hitter dude.
Hey Dawg!..The woman makes no sense..She`s asked a question,then talks about what ever she wants..LOL!!.....Question:Do you think McCain will make a good President?..Palin:"I`m hungry,I like cheese burgers.I can`t remember if I turned the coffee pot off.The dog needs to be groomed..I`m hungry,I like cheese burgers!"............LOL!!.................
Geez, find your one hitter dude.
Here dawg, use mine. I just loaded it for you.
Thanks skally, and Outlaw... LOL!
"you know, government, get out of my way"... LOL!!!!!!!!
Im not a supporter of anyone but I do say that pretty much every day.
Saying Palin hasn't been corrupted by the BS in Washington hardly makes her qualified. She hasn't been to Washington yet. She's cute, she's funny, she passionate, so what? Her hocky-mom/lipstick/"say it isn't so, Joe" shtick is tired already. She seems a limited thinker, doesn't really think the issues through, just usual right-wing knee-jerk. She avoided the questions and came back with her limited talking points and every one thinks she did a great job because she didn't screw up like she did with the Couric interviews. I'm not that impressed, I don't think Obama has been corrupted by the BS in Washington either. But he's been there, has a first rate education, has given back to the community and can think. Sorry, but if McCain drops dead, I don't want a someone with a limited education, limited thinking skills and no depth in the white house.
I hear you Rose
Dawg..I appreciate a Smart Woman..Palin is not a smart person..Even "Forest Gump" knew he had his limitations..Palin has no idea she`s not the Brightest Bulb on the Tree..
I find it very interesting how many of the neo-conservatives and republicans seem to subscribe to Ayn Rand's version of Ethical Egoism. The idea that moral decisions are entirely based on what is in one's own self interest. The types of themes she did play on were ones that appealed to this side of their base. I honestly don't see how very many independent voters are going to be swayed by her folksey schtick and her non- answers.