OJ Simpson...GUILITY!!!!!!!!!!
by zeroday 24 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, it's about damn time he got convicted.
I bet the Goldburgs and the Browns are jumping with absolute joy.
Considering OJ is 61, with his prison sentence upcoming in Dec. 5th, I doubt he'll ever see outside the prison walls ever again. Good luck with his appeals, it'll be a long time before he can get anything out of it.
Guess OJ better start practicing not dropping the soap while showering.
He better also learn to watch himself since some inmates don't take kindly of someone that kills a defenseless female.
Yiz -
Wow, all those guys described in that article sound like a bunch of sleezes...
OJ... has a bad habit of lying... I think he's a Narcissist and probably doesn't even realize he is one... so it's always "all about him" and they lie through their teeth.
I was surprised they had kidnapping charges... didn't realize that... no way he'll get out soon with that one...
OJ's former manager, a guy named Gilbert, was on Dr. Phil just the other day, along with the Goldmans... if you didn't see the show, here's several links about it... some video clips, too...
On another subject...
Warning, at the bottom of the page for the OJ breitbart article link posted by zeroday at the top of this thread, there's a "come on" to take an IQ quiz ("Compare your IQ to McCain and Biden," etc.) , and since I'm feeling brain dead today figured I'd give it a shot, lol, but when you get to the end of the Quiz, they want your cell phone # -- which I just put in 000-000-0000 -- and then further at the bottom, which is kind of hidden -- is the fine print that they will start sending you stuff at your cell for $9.99, etc. etc. Spammers! And no, you can't get your IQ result w/o giving your cell, so that was a total waste, lol. -
Deputy Dog
This is what I liked:
"The verdict came 13 years to the day after Simpson was cleared of murdering his ex-wife and a friend of hers in Los Angeles in one of the most sensational trials of the 20th century."
Big Tex
Karma's a bitch ain't it?
Wow...i'm floored...ever since he murdered his wife and got away with it, i've thought that he was one of those slippery devils who by the sheer force of his own impenetrable denial would always be able to weasel his way out of any trouble he found himself in.
Justice served. -
Poor ol' O.J. Imagine being found 'guilty' for a crime you actually committed.............I hope the scum-sucking pig spends the rest of his life in general population.
Justice was a long time in coming, but he finally got what he deserved.
keyser soze
How will he ever find the real killer now?
Lol @ what keyser said.
'Memorabilia dealer Thomas Riccio, who arranged and secretly recorded the hotel-room confrontation, said he netted $210,000 from the media for the tapes. '
There seems to be a lot more going on w this. But, i don't care enough to google on about it. He probably deserved it, anyway.