And the survey says . . .

by patio34 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    Greetings and felicitations to all of you great people!

    Please answer some survey questions, if you're interested. Then I'll write the rationale. (A'la Englishman) I promise it's not a trick sort of thing nor insulting. It's based on a scientific principle and completely innocuous.

    1. Does your mate/sex partner:

    a. have the same or different color of eyes as you?

    b. What is the difference in height between you both?

    c. If you're really adventuresome, what are the measurements of each of the following for both of you: breadth of nose, length of earlobe or middle finger, circumference of wrist, distance between eyes, and lung volume?

    2. Think back over the years to ex-spouses, dating partners, etc. and compare the heights, and above features. Were they simiar or dissimilar to your current partner?

    3. Consider relatives that you had a lot of contact with in the 1st 6 yrs of life. How do their features compare?

    4. If you are/were with someone with greatly differing features, how is that relationship the same or different?

    Thanks and LOL with this light-hearted survey! More to follow . . .


  • Seeker

    1. Does your mate/sex partner:

    a. have the same or different color of eyes as you?


    b. What is the difference in height between you both?


    2. Think back over the years to ex-spouses, dating partners, etc. and compare the heights, and above features. Were they simiar or dissimilar to your current partner?


    3. Consider relatives that you had a lot of contact with in the 1st 6 yrs of life. How do their features compare?


    4. If you are/were with someone with greatly differing features, how is that relationship the same or different?


  • patio34

    Hi Seeker (a little ((((S)))) as I've been wondering where you've been!)

    Thanks for the survey answers! Let me see, about the last question: if the partner was very dissimilar, was the relationship better or worse? That ought to do it.

    Btw, I work with a woman from the UK. She does not like the American way (as she puts it) of hugging. I had forgotten that and when she was down in the dumps, gave her a hug. The worst thing for her!

    Glad to see you again!


  • Seeker

    Hi Pat,

    Thanks for the clarification. I saw question 4 as relating to the previous question 3, about relatives, and couldn't make out how I was supposed to compare a relationship with a mate with relationships with relatives. Now the question makes more sense.

    The answer to question 4, then, is that the current relationship is better than the earlier one. And to clarify further, the physical features of both partners is radically different from the features I saw in my relatives during my first six years of life.

    Hope that helps.

  • think41self

    Hi Patio,

    Don't know about the nose and wrist measurements, etc...but can answer the others.

    1.Different, mine brown his blue. Difference in height 5 1/2 inches.

    2.Ex spouse had brown eyes too, and difference in height was only 2 1/2 inches. Interestingly, first love was more similar in appearance to current spouse.

    3. Relatives were similar to ex in appearance in eye color...more similar to spouse in height.

    4. Current spouse is more dissimilar in features, and relationship is
    MUCH better.

    Hope that info helps with your survey. You are going to share the results with us, yes?


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • duped

    1a. same

    b. 8 inches

    c. ?

    2. dissimilar

    3. dissimilar

    4. When I was with someone with greatly differing features the relationship was not good. My husband has similar features to me and the relationship is good.


    "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug." Mary Chapin-Carpentar

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    I dont believe any statistics which I've not falsified by myself.

    Sir Winston Churchill

  • patio34

    Okay all. Here's the theory from "The 3rd Chimpanzee" pg. 102 by Jared Diamond (who won the Pulitzer Prize for "Guns, Germs & Steel"):

    "If you measure enough couples, the answer that finally emerges is unexpectedly simple: ON THE AVERAGE, spouses resemble each other slightly but significantly in almost every physical feature examined.

    "That's true of all obvious traits--height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin color. But it's also true of an astonishing variety of other traits: breadth of nose, length of earlobe or middle finger, etc.

    What he calls "coefficients" for physical traits are on the average +0.2, personality traits are +0.4; religion +0.9. For length of middle finger it's +0.61!

    In short, like tends to marry like. These traits (earlobes, eye distance...) are not traits we consciously notice.

    As children we tend to develop our search image of a future sex partner, and that image is heavily influenced by the people of opposite sex whom we see most often. Parents, siblings, plus close friends.

    There's lots more, but it apparently is not holding true on my very scientific survey! But, it's on a very large average he claims.

    It dawned on me that I thought I liked tall men, but have paired up or been attracted to men who are about 3 inches taller than me. Same height as my dad.
    A friend said that since I left off being religious, next I'll be standing on a street corner flirting saying "Hi there shorty!"

    Have a great day!


  • patio34

    I am shamelessly, blatantly, & boldly bttt, because I thought it was interesting material and some may have missed it. {;-D}


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    a. same eye color
    b. two inches height difference
    2. dissimilar
    3. dissimilar
    4. different

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