Greetings and felicitations to all of you great people!
Please answer some survey questions, if you're interested. Then I'll write the rationale. (A'la Englishman) I promise it's not a trick sort of thing nor insulting. It's based on a scientific principle and completely innocuous.
1. Does your mate/sex partner:
a. have the same or different color of eyes as you?
b. What is the difference in height between you both?
c. If you're really adventuresome, what are the measurements of each of the following for both of you: breadth of nose, length of earlobe or middle finger, circumference of wrist, distance between eyes, and lung volume?
2. Think back over the years to ex-spouses, dating partners, etc. and compare the heights, and above features. Were they simiar or dissimilar to your current partner?
3. Consider relatives that you had a lot of contact with in the 1st 6 yrs of life. How do their features compare?
4. If you are/were with someone with greatly differing features, how is that relationship the same or different?
Thanks and LOL with this light-hearted survey! More to follow . . .