The Republicans WILL get back in! An October Surprise is coming!

by yadda yadda 2 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    Those who hate Republicans/Bush would elect a Socialist domestic terrorist.

    Conservatives who fear Socialism would even vote for McCain. (Republicans hate McCain.)

    LOL...conservatives who promote the idea of a socialist domestic terrorist would apparently see no problem in voting for a conservative domestic terrorist - even in the position of VP. Sarah Palins', laying on hands, demon moving, witch hunting preacher was no better than a terrorist in his own country. He terrorized a woman he labelled as a witch until she fled. Palin's husband belonged to the Alaskan party whose leader declared that he hates America - leads me to believe that the Palin dude must have pledged his allegiance to the membership who wanted independence...separate from the USA. Let's not stop there though - Palin herself admitted that she only flies the Israeli flag in her office - cripes what's that about?

    Politicians are all the same deep down - one can only hope for the best of the worst and vote for the person or party that promotes their own vision of the future. sammieswife.

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