Another question about the Governing Body

by ballistic 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    What is the actual mechanism by which God reveals his truth to the Governing Body. The Governing Body have admitted to having made mistakes so it can be logically stated that this mechanism is by nature flawed.
    While true that God only has very imperfect people to act as "the faithfull and discreet slave", there is no reason why he would use a flawed or imperfect METHOD of transferring this "life saving" information to them.
    The Governing Body has been very quiet about what this method actually consists of.
    Surely they must also be aware that delusions of a religious nature are common in various mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Is there any way of judging whether truths are the product of ones own mind, if not the product of the Devil.

  • sleepy

    They allways try to talk around this issue and never give a straight answer.For partly two resons I think.
    If they say it is their own wisdom and knowledge people will not have the same respect for them and they will lose authority.
    If they claim revelation from God this would leave them open to ridiclue if they get things wrong.
    So they try two mix a bit of both in order to please all parties .

  • Gozz
    What is the actual mechanism by which God reveals his truth to the Governing Body.

    There's simply no mechanism. Brooklyn collects information from CO's and DO's about what people are thinking or what Apostates are saying, or they get some really disturbing letters from a congregation, or they have an agenda about what should become official policy... then Writing goes to the libraries (if the ideas are not generated by them)and begin to dig. If you dig enough into scripture, you get lucky, just. Like the one about the Slave in Matthew. And then the GB sits and votes. This is the big one. There must be two-thirds majority, just like in most democracies, only that the elite, the ruling class, self-appointed representatives of the annointed are allowed to vote, and only men too. If there's two thirds, then it is Truth. Then maybe it goes into print. If there isn't, then it's dead light... it could be some other way... God does not reveal his truth to this Governing Body.

    The Governing Body cannot even discuss the matter in clear terms. It's a catch 22: make God a liar, or admit they've been writing thoughts of their head? They know what they do to manufacture New Light. How will they let JWs know? They can't afford to.

  • Farkel

    : What is the actual mechanism by which God reveals his truth to the Governing Body.

    Reader's Digest.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • TR

    And, if it's not quite a 2/3 vote, but still a majority, it still gets thrown out. Light that's not the proper wattage, I guess.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • gumby

    I have always favored Ray Franz reasoning concerning the GB;
    If the GB have been in existance since Pentecost,and they have always existed since then....then why didn't CT Russell simply hook up with them? Why was it said of Russell by the current GB that it was God's due time to turn the light on in the 20th century?
    Why is there no link from Russell to his contemporary's?

  • ISP

    There is not any 'mechanism' that God communicates with the GB. They know that. Ray Franz exposed the myth. What the 'GB' do now is anyones guess. IMO they do very little...they resigned...leaving everything to various corporations headed by younger guys.


  • blondie

    Where did the 2/3 vote come from? I thought in the 1st century it was a unanimous decison.

    Acts 15
    25So it seemed good to us, having unanimously agreed on our decision, to send you these official representatives, along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,

  • ISP

    Blondie....the 'FDS' was the president i.e. Russell, Rutherford etc. But when they these died out the 'FDS' became the GB....and thats when majority voting 2/3 came in. It shows they knew it was a charade..because God would not communicate in such a disjointed fashion.


  • blondie

    You're right, ISP. If one knows it, they should all know it. That is if the holy spirit is the power telling them.

    1 Corinthians 1
    10 Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

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