Hey Blue,
I like that better than Moody, don't you? Of course, you may like MoodyBlue, seeing that you named yourself that. We have a penchant for shortening names - except Carmel - we just don't listen to him.
Glad you've put a post in here - I chat with Path also. Nice guy. But be forwarned - a man's a man's, you can only expect so much from any of them. Look at Carmel, for instance.
I've started a new introduction sort-of thread entitled Hello? Hello? Hello? in the Sex Forum. Thought it was appropriate for us high-minded individuals.
Intros on one thread helps us illiterate ones confine our slow reading to one area. Please go on over and speak a little? Don't want to stumble anyone, now do ya?
This is a cool place to chat openly - not saying some of us don't get irritated, argue, whatever. We do, but that's part of conversation, now isn't it? We also find a lot of communication along the way.