ANNUAL MEETING:Not gleening - still fully in the harvest

by still_in74 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still_in74

    brother at our KH last night reveiwed the annual meeting.

    Nothing earth shattering but went on about how the GB was really being "transparent" and showing who they are and how they think. That they are people just like us!

    They have apparently been pondering the BS change for "years" in order to provide more time for the essential 'family study night" - so much for gas prices suddenly increasing
    yes the family study night is what is going to keep JW families strong so as to survive armageddon. Right in time for mothers to count the hour per week. (watch for all the comments about service hours being on the rise as indication of Jehovahs blessing on the new arrangement)

    One interesting tid-bit was the a GB member stated that we are not in a gleening work. no. we are still fully in the midst of the harvest. Hmmmm.... are you trying to push away the "end" again? Been gleaning for a hundred years now have we?

    Anyone else hear anything??

  • daniel-p

    And oh, what a bounteous harvest it is!

  • Mandette

    Parents have gone from talking about the "End" as being at 9am tomorrow morning to being a few years away yet...........


  • NewYork44M

    I don't get this:

    They have apparently been pondering the BS change for "years"

    The hoopla about the BS change would suggest that this is one of the most profound changes to the organization. What's the big deal, make a decision and move on.

    I cant help but think that the lawyers sit through these meeting scared s*#tless that a GB member will say something stupid and create another problem for them to fix.

    The GB is a meaningless group when it comes to the strategic direction of the watchtower real estate development corporation. That is probably a good thing considering that it took them years to decide to make a very simple change to the weekly schedule.

  • still_in74

    yet my last CO said at the CA that if we are thinking that this system still has 20 or 30 years left that is dangerous thinking. we cant think like that no!

  • besty

    course its bloody dangerous - you might actually decide to get a life...

  • sir82
    the essential 'family study night"

    Fearless prediction: JWs will try this for a month, maybe 2, then it will be dropped and forgotten just like ("worldy") New Year's resolutions.

    After all, they should have been doing the family study thing all along. Providing less "spiritual food" is not gonna animate additional effort.

    It'll be one more guilt trip to pile on, one more thing to hound on in the Study WTs and KMs. "Are you fulfilling your family responsibilities, brothers?"

  • stillajwexelder

    but Armageddon is still just around the corner

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I don't understand this either. All JWs are supposed to be conducting family Bible studies already. Did they conclude that only a small percentage were actually doing so? If that's the case, what makes them think it's going to change now? They change their reasons more often than Sarah Palin explaining why she fired Walt Monegan! I wonder what the real reason is, and why they won't reveal it.

  • stillajwexelder

    95 % of Dubs (myself included) will welcome it as an extra night off. What they should have said is EDLERS use the night for shepherding

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