Funny Shunning Experiences

by lovelylil 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Has anyone had something funny happen when the jdubs tried to shun them? I had this gem happen this week;

    I was in Walmart shopping when I felt like eyes were staring at me. I turned and saw a "sister" from one of my old kh's standing there with gaping mouth open and eyes as wide as a deer in the headlights look on her face. She was stopped cold in her tracks and looked petrified at seeing an apostate. I stopped walking and stared right back at here.

    Just then another "sister" shopping with the first one walks over to say something to her friend and notices the expression on her face. She starts saying "what, whats wrong?". Then suddenly turns towards me and lets out this great big gasp! Jesus Christ - it was the funniest thing I ever saw!!

    I couldn't help but laugh out loud and say "What a bunch of loons". By this time, it seemed like the entire store was staring at these two morons.

    Anyway, just had to share this. Anyone else ever had an experience like this? Lilly

  • DoomVoyager

    No, but I plan to!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
  • jwfacts

    I walked into a lighting store and two witnesses were asking for advice from the assistant. They looked over at me, and literally in mid sentence fled the store. The assistant was flabbergasted. I went an explained that I was excommunicated so they were afraid to be near me, which left the assistant still equally stunned. I felt like some sort of leper.

  • lisavegas420

    Lil, should have held her index fingers up on either side of her head like devil horns and flicked her tounge at them,


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    What makes for a funny experience is the fact that many of the Witnesses will go to such crazy lengths to avoid you, when they could just simply pass you by, and keep it movin'.

    People are leaving stores abruptly, looking all crazy. haha

  • sass_my_frass

    I've had some brilliant 'shuns'. I was walking through a festival and saw in the distance the wife of one of the elders who dfd me, she was on the same path as me and we were about to pass each other. I took my phone out and started reading messages so I didn't have to go through the games, and her reaction was so wild I could see it in my peripheral vision. She had her two young children with her, and as we passed she saw me and she literally pushed her kids behind her so she'd be the protective layer between me and her. She stood still shocked in the path like I've done when I realised I was a couple of steps from a snake. I could hear her thinking 'if I don't move she won't see me and strike'. It was beautiful.

  • lisavegas420


    I probably should get a job..I have too much time on my hands.


  • coffee_black

    I was shopping in a clothing store. I hadn't disassociated at that point...but of course the gossips didn't wait for that....

    A "sister" walked in, stopped dead in her tracks, turned and ran out of the store as fast as her legs would carry her....


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yep. An elder who was a very good friend of mine is a butcher in a grocery store. He has wheeled out his meat cart to stock the coolers, all the time hiding behind the cart because he knew I was there. I have approached him and forced him to answer my questions at times - he looks like he is on fire. Then he flees to the meat department and hides until I leave the store.

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