Back in June it was mentioned that some individuals had this book and could possibly scan it and post it within a weeks time. Was anyone able to scan a full copy of the 2004 version and post it somewhere?
New version of "Shining as illuminators"?
by cinnamon1642 16 Replies latest jw friends
actually, I think they are all wanna-bees.
Some think they have the edge of being the illuminators and symbolize this by the menorah.
The Menorah represents the source of light.
Go back in time to the Pharoah's Lighthouse.
Islamic minarets originally served as watchtowers illuminated by torches (hence the derivation of the word from the Arabic nur, meaning "light").
It is believed that the watcher angels first gave man the technology to harness fire for light and warmth. It was not information given freely. The Rainbow covenant goes a long way back.
These "illuminators" will soon surface, calling themselves "Teachers". These are the 144,000. They are in league with the wicked angels.
I have pleaded with several......
But since most have written notes in their books, fear of being IDd is strong.
One solution would be to photocopy the book and then white out all notes. It'd take a bit of time to do that, but it'd protect their identity.
What book is it? I've only been out a few months so if you give me more details i might be able to locate/scan it.
That would be fabulous!
The book's full title is Shining as Illuminators in the World.... though it is referred to often as the 'pioneer book'.
We are all interested in getting a hold of the 2nd Edition put out in 2004.
Atlantis was able to upload the 1977 1st Edition ( )
Thanks.... Yknot!
Just thought this might be of interest:
The Shining Ones
...a great deal more information on the unfolding diaspora of the Shining Ones from the Southern Lebanon site around the world, their advanced technology and their influence over the next 8,000 years.
This starts with the establishment of a further six major settlements by members of the senior council at Jericho, Ba'albek, Ebla, Catal Huyak, Olympus and On, which soon followed their establishment of the Kharsag (Eden) site. The development of the city states eventually led to the great civilisations in the Mesopotamianplains, Egypt, Iran, India, China and the Americas..
The authors' language translation skills based on the earliest non-religious material provide the key to untangling the complex of different names and different interpretations placed by earlier scholars. The Shining Ones as real people are clearly identified within all cultures and not confused with the cast of characters who appear in astronomy, cometary catastrophe and within the spiritual regions.
The Shining Ones presents for the first time key parts of the latest translation of the Askew Codex in the British Museum, which comprises a collection of 365 quarto sheets of vellum, on which the writing is in Greek uncials, in the now extinct Coptic dialect of Upper Egypt. It also presents for the first time key parts of the latest translation of the 78 leaves of papyrus, in book form, of the Bruce Codex from the Bodlian library, written in Greek cursive characters in the same Coptic dialect.
These documents comprise a large part of an important Gnostic Corpus, possibly compiled from earlier material, in the Valentine school at Alexandria in the late first or early second century AD. Originally referred to as The Books of the Saviour, these translations of this material can be seen as a single treatise on the Spiritual Truths narrated by Jesus of Nazareth and taken down word for word by three disciple-scribes Philip, Thomas and Matthew.
The presence of these three witnesses is in keeping with the canon of Hebraic Law. This coupled with the fact that they were from Jesus' inner circle, places immense importance and reliability, that these documents illustrate that the spiritual nature of Jesus' teaching was no different from that of other Eastern religions. (watch out for this lie! This is emerging new teachings!)
This is a crucial issue for Christianity and many will consider adds weight to the relevance and practical importance of taking seriously, matters of a spiritual nature, which permeate all ancient records, but which are not fully understood.
This book is available on a few torrent sites. If you have access to one then you can download it for free there.
Which torrents?
The only ones I have found are of the 1977 version....
Please post links!
Thanks in advance!!!!
and..... of course...
I just did a google search and a bunch popped up. I can't tell the version because I don't have the software. Sorry!