Off to the one day special assembly day - what can I look forward to?

by eyeslice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BluesBrother

    There's a co wife's congo are off to the "One day Event " tomorrow,(Could it be the same Circuit??) but she does not feel up to the rigours of the journey and a long day, so we will sit it out at home and the good news is - No meeting Sunday !

    Do not expect too much excitement, although I used to say that one day assemblies were more direct and had less verbal padding out than two day ones. They used to have Bethel speakers who were better than the locals...Make sure you take a good packed lunch and a large Thermos, the days of buffet service have long gone...

  • yknot

    I emailed around..... I will be receiving some MP3's later today of the program's main talks.....if you want a copy PM me.

  • ex-nj-jw

    gumby you just gave a visual that I'm not sure I want

    nice to see you around


  • Honesty


    Let us know if a disabled sister in a wheelchair was interviewed about the joy she experiences distributing Watchtower Society literature 6 hours a day.

  • eyeslice

    Popped down the shops this evening and bought a few bread buns and other stuff for sandwiches. Also bought a bottle of wine; half of which I have drank tonight. I think I might try to smuggle the other half in with me tomorrow - might look like blackcurrant juice?

  • sir82
    I think I might try to smuggle the other half in with me tomorrow - might look like blackcurrant juice?

    Skip that - pour some vodka into an empty water bottle!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Morning Program

    9:50 Song No. 148 and Prayer
    10:00 “Keep Your Ministry to the Fore” Stay too busy with our assignments to get a different life
    10:15 “Overcoming Challenges to Our Ministry” Keep pushing literature despite the fact that it's unwanted
    10:40 “Cultivate What You Have Planted” Make return visits- We really need new recruits
    10:55 Song No. 43 and Announcements
    11:05 “How We Recommend Ourselves as Ministers” Nobody else will recommend us.
    11:35 Dedication and Baptism
    12:05 Song No. 202

    Afternoon Program

    1:30 Song No. 48
    1:35 Experiences
    1:45 Watchtower Summary If we did this in 30 minutes every week, meetings would be shorter
    2:15 “Young and Old Enjoy the Ministry” Nobody gets out of the "ministry"
    2:30 “Youths Who Fulfill the Ministry” Parents, drag them out there
    2:45 Song No. 107 and Announcements
    2:55 “Highly Esteem Your Ministry” You need to feel proud of something- why not the "ministry"
    3:55 Song No. 181 and Prayer

  • yknot

    Okay I got the MP3 links........ 2008-2009 Special Day Assembly

    Theme:“Keep Watching the Ministry…, That You Fulfill It”** Col. 4:17 **

    Morning Program

    9:50 Song No. 148 and Prayer
    10:00 “Keep Your Ministry to the Fore”
    10:15 “Overcoming Challenges to Our Ministry”
    10:40 “Cultivate What You Have Planted”
    10:55 Song No. 43 and Announcements
    11:05 “How We Recommend Ourselves as Ministers”
    11:35 Dedication and Baptism
    12:05 Song No. 202

    Afternoon Program

    1:30 Song No. 48
    1:35 Experiences
    1:45 Watchtower Summary
    2:15 “Young and Old Enjoy the Ministry”
    2:30 “Youths Who Fulfill the Ministry”
    2:45 Song No. 107 and Announcements
    2:55 “Highly Esteem Your Ministry”
    3:55 Song No. 181 and Prayer

  • 1914BS

    10:00 “Keep Your Ministry to the Fore” skin

  • Scully

    An iPod might help you pass the time. You could listen to some favorite music or an audio book.

    If you're so inclined, you might find some entertainment value in listening to some very politically incorrect selections from Pat Condell's Godless Comedy - I've downloaded many of his commentaries and have them on my mp3 player.

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