I have a friend at work who has HIV. It's not funny at all. She had full blown AIDS when she first found out but has since gone back to being undetectiable HIV positive. I don't know how that works but that's what she tells me. She's on meds everyday and she's depressed all the time because she's 33 and knows what's going to kill her. I was shocked when she told me this year. I would never have guessed at all. She doesn't look sick but she is. I had been talking to her about getting tested myself before she ever told me. I was telling her about it one night at dinner that I wanted to be tested just because I never had been up till then and I thought it was a good idea. She told me she was positive. She said I reacted very well to the news. I asked questions that night and I still ask questions when I have them.
Theres a radio DJ here in Cleveladn who insists MJ has been cured and is hiding the cure from the world. This same DJ got arrested and charged with assult for throwing a beer bottle in a crowed and hitting a lady in the crowd.