Hello everyone! :)
It's my birthday today (yay) and my mum (a JW) has a habit of sending me a text message/email to say "Have a nice day. May Jah bless you etc." (she's careful to never actually use the word birthday). Even as a kid, I never got presents or a card, but my mum would cook something nice for the day or we'd go out for dinner at a fav restaurant.
Wouldn't all that count as celebrating your birthday? I always thought it did, although she doesn't feel that way. I know JWs aren't supposed to make a big deal of their birthday, but did any of you ever do something (no matter how small) to commemorate your special day?
Anyways, sorry for rambling, but today I couldn't help myself and I replied "Thanks for the birthday wishes! (omg the dreaded B word!) Even though I know you're not allowed to do that. I really appreciate it"
This provoked a "Good you appreciate it. One year of your life has passed. Thank Jah for keeping you healthy and safe blah blah" and then a worried "Did you go for the meeting today? when's your convention? Are you going for it?"
I haven't been to a meeting in 2 years, yet I've always lied to my mum about it. She hasn't asked me if I attend for quite a few months now, and today was the first time she did.. probably cause I mentioned birthday LOL
Have there been any doctrinal changes to the way JWs treat bdays? I'm so out of touch these days. Oh and if anyone knows when the next convention dates are for the UK so I can fib about it, I'd be most grateful