I was wondering how you get to add a little picture on the left-hand side of the screen under your username? And, also, I can't seem to get my paragraphs to come up onscreen. Everything just runs together. Any suggestions?
Newbie that needs some advice!
by IHaveADream 11 Replies latest jw friends
Hello and welcome, IHaveADream!
Here is a thread with the answer to your paragraph question:
Cheers and welcome
Baba. -
Tired of the Hypocrisy
In the top left you should see a box saying "Welcome IHaveADream!"
Beneath that, click on "Profile" and you will be able to add a picture.
Welcome to the board Ihaveadream!
Sorry, but I do not know where the posting field is.
Well, at Microsoft headquarters, there is a big field with a whole bunch of posts stuck in it... every time someone makes a post on the internet, the Posting Supervisor prints it off and nails it to a post.
And that is where the posting field is.
I tried to add a picture as well. Let's see how that went.
Posting field just means the big empty space you can type your post into. It pops up when you hit "reply" or "new topic" so that you have a "field" to type into.
drew sagan
Looks like ya did it!
Welcome to the board :)