the WTS and the internet

by still wondering 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still wondering
    still wondering

    How is it that when searching for Jehovah’s witnesses or watchtower in Google their official websites always comes first?

    Do they have to pay to get these results? If so, how much?

    If they are paying then is this not another example of hypocrisy after telling the "sheep" not to use the internet but then spending the "sheep’s" donations on maintaining an internet presence?

  • BabaYaga

    You can always tell if the link is a PAID link... Google makes sure of that. They conscientiously mark sponsored links as such. A sponsored link will usually be "highlighted" in pastel color, and say "sponsored link" somewhere in the field. Also, the links to the side of the page (margins) are all sponsored.

    Unfortunately, the official Watchtower links really are getting the most traffic, they really are the top link. I am very saddened that JWD no longer even shows up on the first page.


  • still wondering
    still wondering

    Thanks BY

    But if that is so then is it not self perpetuating as the top websites will always get the most traffic simply because they are at the top?

    How did they get to the top in the first place?

  • BabaYaga

    Good question, Wondering, but that gets into the magic of Google.

    Google's top links are not chosen soley by traffic... they are largely also ranked by how many other websites LINK TO them.

    More info here:

    edited to say... well dang, for some reason that link isn't working. Here is the text on the page:

    Google HelpWebmasters/Site owners HelpMy site and GoogleUnderstanding Google › How Google ranks pages

    How Google ranks pages

    Sites' positions in our search results are determined based on a number of factors designed to provide end-users with helpful, accurate search results. These factors are explained in more detail at

    In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages. For more information about improving your site's visibility in the Google search results, we recommend reviewing our webmaster guidelines. They outline core concepts for maintaining a Google-friendly website.

  • V

    Just Google "Watchtower Comments" ... that is positively owned.

  • AudeSapere

    Interesting. I did not know that.

    And agreed. It is a shame that JWD is sliding in the ranking.


  • still wondering
    still wondering

    "they are largely also ranked by how many other websites LINK TO them."

    What other web sites would want to carry links to the WTS and why? Is the WTS paying them to carry such links?

    Does anyone know if in the early days to get to the top of Google the WTS payed them for a sponsored link?

  • BabaYaga

    Probably not, Wondering, you're grasping at straws, here. Nobody's getting paid. I'm sure there are plenty of websites that link back to the official site.


  • Seeker4

    I agree with you Baba.

    Also, I'm sure traffic here has fallen off with the announcement of the site closing.

    But, several new sites were opened. \

    So, WTS has an official site or two, a few JWs have sites, and then there are the 1000s of ex-JW and anti-JW sites!


  • mustang

    When I attended the "Stores on Line" seminars, they spent a lot of time telling us how to score higher ratings. It did not involve paying anybody. The details escape me, but registering/being recognized by various search engines was the top priority.


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