Two weeks is ample and customary. If your present employer can't live with that, leave today.
I need some help & suggestions
by Nosferatu 51 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
Two weeks is standard. Set your boundaries and be firm.
As far as the 10 years thing, you can throw that right back at him--"After 10 years of faithful employment allowing me to give a standard 2 weeks is the least you can do. I don't think a standard notice is unreasonable."
Lady Lee
You hated the job for good reasons. That is why you quit.
You gave him the required 2 weeks notice. If he didn't bother to use that time to find a replacment or to train another person to do the job that is HIS problem not yours.
Pack it in. Say goodbye. And move on.
Under no circumstance should he contact your new employer about this.
Enjoy the new job.
I think I've decided what I'm going to do.....
Nothing. No response to that disgusting email. I've told him that I couldn't make it work. He needs to accept that. I don't need to go back to my new employer. The decision is made, I've filled out the paperwork, signed my name, and paperwork is being process for me to start on the 27th. (Yes, I technically only have one more week).
When I gave my noticed, I even offered to come in on the occasional weekend. He doesn't seem to be happy with that offer. If he doesn't want to work with me, then fvvv him.
The only mistake I made was letting him know what my new boss's first name is. However, it's a big company and chances are there's more than one Ron there. But I printed out that email to cover my ass in case anything should happen, and this is precisely why I sent him an email instead of talking to him in person. I believe it's illegal in Canada for him to terminate me for quitting.
I'll wait for him to get back to me first, looking for an answer. I'll just have to re-affirm that my last day is on the 24th. If I'm gonna shit in his corn flakes, I might as well do it for every last day that I'm here. He shit in mine one too many times with the garbage jobs: picking up garbage in the yard, shovelling snow, cleaning graffiti, etc etc. Oh yeah, and the late (and crappy) raises didn't make me feel all that important here.
Thank god my new workplace has a union. -
Dear boss,
Two weeks notice is all that I could give because of circumstances. It is
not necessary to contact Ron because I have already spoken with him and
my start date is settled, as well as my final day working here. This is
proper in business, and although I am sorry it could not have been further
notice, it is sufficient.Don't mince words or try to be nicey-nicey about it. Just make it cold and
final. Feelings of an old boss are upset, but they are upset anyway. They
would very much have let you go with only 2 weeks notice if they needed to
make changes. -
Tell him you can give him some extra time during your time off but there will be a fee that you will charge him for the extra time. Call it a consulting fee. and make it a large amount. He'll probably decide he doesn't need the extra week after all.
We would never have terminated your employment with LV with only a 2-week notice period
Your boss is a lying sack of %#*@!. We lost 8 people this week at my job and not one were told 2 seconds before it was happening, much less 2 weeks! It is standard & proper to give 2 weeks notice -- stand firm!
Be clear and confident in moving on. No one is indespensible.
Your current manager did not run his company properly (cross-training, delegating, etc) and is now caught woefully unprepared. That's his problem, not yours. You have valid reasons for leaving. His throwing a tantrum and trying to guilt you into staying should strengthen your resolve and maybe encourage you to leave sooner. (Can your new employer bring you in earlier???)
When I gave my noticed, I even offered to come in on the occasional weekend. He doesn't seem to be happy with that offer.
I left a job after 13 years. I offered to come in on weekends to assist with transition. I told him what my 'consultation' fee would be. (we settled for my regular salary because I caved.) So on the first Saturday that I was there to train my replacement guess what I got? I got him making coffee while I waited to begin the training. I got him taking personal calls during our training. and - oh! - he had not found replacement yet. I got my employer asking me to unjam the fax machine. And when I tried to train him on the little piddly things were just sooo important that *I* had to interrupt my normal work to take care of... They were suddenly of no consequence.
You have been working for a poor administrator and he's trying to make his problems become your problems. Be strong, firm and clear. Don't let this happen.
Don't let him contact the new employer. It will definitely tarnish your image before you even walk in the door. You might consider responding to the email from current employer with a short response: 'As already discussed, my last day at XYC company will be Friday October XX. Signed, Nosferatu.' (No explanation. Remind him briefly that you will be available on Saturday's - or whatever - for specified period of time and specified pay rate.)
Hold on to both emails - especially the whiny one from him. If you find yourself on job market again, you may want it if he gives bad reference.
Congrats on the new job. Don't look back!!
Purps wrote: I think your current boss is wacko to even suggest contacting your future employer to get and extension.
Yup. I agree.
wha happened?
I agree with Aude.
A few years ago I sold off, and later quit working for a company with about a months notice. My decision to quit was mainly based on the behavior of my ex business partners. What was once a small company with few egos and great employees morphed into ego wars, back stabbing, and losing our best employees. they just made working there a living hell and they had absolutely no appreciation for what I had done for them. Well they found some fool with money to use to buy me out and they sat the new partner next to me while I attempted to train him for what I do. I might as well have been training monkeys to do heart surgery, because this guy was an idiot.
Well after a few weeks of writing out the most simplistic set of instructions, and covering the same routine over and over and over, the monkey runs off and tells everyone that I refuse to train him. (Obviously to hide his inability to learn even the simplest tasks.) During the screaming match and ensued I provided all the notes and instructions for everything I do. They didn't care. It was all about them. Right after that they tried to cut me on commisions and I walked out and never lifted a finger for them ever again.
They still call occasionaly to see how I'm doing, as if I would ever go back.
Stick to your time schedule. They will never appreciate anything u do for them. Especially now.