What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you at a meeting?

by IHaveADream 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Reading the wrong lesson at the WT. I read the next week's lesson. After I sat down, no one was doing anything. The brother conducting said that he thanked me for summing up this weeks lesson. I didn't get it. And everyone was just staring at me. Finally a friend of mine walked up to me and told me I had just read next weeks lesson. I shrugged my shoulders and read the correct paragraph.

  • gymbob

    Funniest thing I ever saw at a meeting....

    A visiting non-witness man who had a hearing problem needed to plug some headphones into the sound system to hear the program. Unfortunately, when the sound system had a very loud feedback squeal about 15 minutes into the meeting, he stood up grabbing the headphones on his ears, and began screaming and cussing like a drunk sailor! :)

  • LovesDubs

    Well ONE of those I wasnt even a JW yet but was just starting to hang with them as "friends". They were hosting the pioneer school at our hall and it was apparently a big deal but what did I know...and so all my new "friends" were running around making preparations and getting supplies to feed these folks. I was asked if I would get paper goods, plates, plastic ware, cups, napkins...so I said sure no problem.

    When I brought the stuff to the hall, I brought the receipt to one of my pioneer "friends" and asked..."Who do I submit this to for my refund?"

    He looked at me...looked at the receipt...and had a very wry smile and said "Refunds? Oh, we dont give refunds. Of course you did that for Jehovah didnt you?" I was mortified.


    Also, when I first filled out my service forms, nobody showed me how to do it, so I filled out a line for every day that I went out on it and so had a long list of days, dates, times and what I placed and stuff. When I handed the stapled cards to the Service Overseer...he looked at what I did, said "We dont do it this way! Do it over!" and RIPPED THEM UP in front of me and threw them away!!

    NOT an auspicious beginning y'all.

  • LovesDubs

    Oh....yeah...also when I was still just studying but basically doing everything a baptized JW should be for over a year and practically LIVED at the hall, I had a following of little kids. Not sure why, I was single and I loved kids and so had about 10 kids 5-10 years old who followed me like the pied piper. So...me being a creative type thought it would be fun for the kids and would help them learn their Watchtower Lesson if I designed a word search puzzle based on the magazine or based on the article for that week. I would hand them out the week before the study and in order to fill it in they had to search the articles and find the answers to questions in the paragraphs! And their prizes would be little things I got from like the dollar store. The kids LOVED it and damned if they didnt do those puzzles every week and hand them in to me all proud and everything waiting anxiously for me to "grade" them. Of course they ALL got prizes every week but it was so much fun to see the joy in their faces. Wouldnt it make you happy as a JW mom to see your kid happily reading his WT?

    Well...one day the PO comes up to me and says that since I was passing out "non Watchtower authorized publications" in the hall I had to stop immediately. "After all", he said straight faced, " you arent baptized, how do we know you arent promoting your own religion and making followers after yourself with these works?" They didnt explain that to the KIDS of course and I had to. They were as devastated as I was. WORKS??? Shit.... and I STILL got baptized. How fucking desperate was I? Very.

  • four candles
    four candles

    I was giving a 4th talk in the main hall one thursday. My friends and I used to sit on the front row operating the sound system,so as I got started into my talk the other 2 lads looke dup and they'd put polo mints(You know the mint with the holes)into their eyes.................I just cracked,couldn't carry on for laughing for a while....then got done on timing!!!

  • Gregor

    The story about pulling the fat ladies dress out of her butt crack has been around for about 100 yrs. Nothing wrong with recycling the funny ones.

  • IHaveADream

    Hey Aude, I live in Riverside County. Sorry about taking so long to get back to you. I forget where all I have posted.

  • IHaveADream

    You've all got some pretty embarrassing moments. I got a kick out of all of them. And, Leolaia, I had the same thing happen to a brother I knew many, many years ago. He also confided in the elders and his story was turned into a part at the Circus Assembly. Can't trust those darn elders...except when they want to use the clergy-penitent privilege during a pedophile abuse case. Then there lips are sealed!

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    First meeting after being married...It was a Sunday, which of course we arrived late due to all the new fun things married people can do in the morning ;) and we were led to a seat in the first or second row. Remember how when arriving late, you were supposed to sit where the ministerial servant on duty led you to? Anyway, here I am embarrassed about arriving late. Walking down the aisle I can feel the stares as we arrive at our seats. We no sooner get seated and get the startling name of the Public Talk: The Godly view of Sex and Marriage. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Why did we go? Talk about uncomfortable.

  • Evidently

    When I was around 21-22 years old I was called upon to give the closing prayer for the Service Meeting......no biggie, I was used to talks and prayers. I started the prayer and instead of saying "we humbly approach your throne of undeserved kindness" I said "we humbly approach your undeserved throne" as soon as I said it I lost it and for some reason it just locked my brain up......I panicked and the rest of the prayer lasted a total of about 10 seconds (total prayer was 15 seconds top).......after I said amen I just stood there in a stupor for 30-40 seconds.

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