I think B the X posted a link to a mormon site that sold similar outfits... I was very tempted to throw away my current wardrobe... However, not many of us can pull off the errr pioneer (?!) look...
Who Can Scan an Image for Me? BOUND VOL IMAGE NEEDED
by V 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ruth Eeker
gosh the WT piss me off! I know i'm changing the topic.....but from paragraph 8:
Their NWT version of Prov. 11:9
9 By [his] mouth the one who is an apostate brings his fellowman to ruin, but by knowledge are the righteous rescued
The KJV version:
9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
"godless" seems to be the consensus from other english translations
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Megs, I think you'd look great in this get-up:
More available at: http://whiteelegance.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=66&sort=products_sort_order&page=1
Mormon Chow available at: http://whiteelegance.com/catalog/default.php?cPath=51&osCsid=b79c4a9a4da12d10789d4cb5ffde671c
See, the dubs aren't the only crazies out there.
B the X
Hi V
Just a tip . You might want to ask Atlantis to scan that as a TIFF image. Then you can do all sorts of colour correction etc that you can't do with a jpeg. Yes I know asking for a TIFF from fellow JWDers is like trying to find ice cubes in hell but it is worth a try. BTW I have the jan 15 and feb 15 watchtowers and rev climax if you ever need a good scan from them.
Oh one more thing that some (actually everyone )persons don't realize is that scanned text looks crummy in jpeg but very nice as TIFF
BIlly, that color cries "Harlot!" in my humble opinion... I think brown is a far more modest choice, yet still offer the same style and comfort...
apron is an anagram of a porn
Thank-you Atlantis! I needed that scan for my next blog article. I will put up a post when my article is done.