WT backtracking fast on Book Study -High Gas Prices

by stillajwexelder 77 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ID Crisis
    ID Crisis

    I agree, OTWO, and yet our PO emphasized that we were 'not getting a night off'.

  • sir82
    our PO emphasized that we were 'not getting a night off'.


    Expect massive bombardment of "guilt trips" regarding the "family study night" over the next couple of years, from the KH platform, in the magazines, at assemblies & conventions....

    "You brothers are using the extra night for family study, aren't you? Your family's survival at Armageddon depends on it! You don't want to see your 3-year-old little girl's eyeballs melting when Jehovah brings divine retribution, do you? Do you? DO YOU???"

  • ninja

    the governing body are a bunch of fannies

  • ninja

    in the british or american sense?....you decide

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Didn't JESUS say: 'My yoke is kindly and my load is light?'

    And now, the FDS has the gall to say (in that priceless scan of a letter) that THEY HAVE DECIDED to lighten the load of the rank and file? First off, it's not their load to lighten and anyhow, if Jesus' load is so light, why the hell have THEY MADE IT such a BURDEN?

    They really have put themselves in Jesus' place...shame on them.

  • ID Crisis
    ID Crisis

    Many people I've spoken to - all female and either widows, divorcees or with non-JW husbands - are happy and have no intention whatsoever to study. One of them, a pioneer (divorcee - lives on her own), said emphatically that she will be watching TV. For me, actually, it won't make much of a difference because I have missed most book studies over the past 2 yrs (well, really, the Revelation book was no motivating factor to attend): it's just one less reason to be hounded, questioned - "where have you been?", "haven't seen you for a while", etc..

  • stillajwexelder

    in the British or American sense?....you decide I will take the British sense since we can not use the C word on this board

  • ID Crisis
    ID Crisis


    Didn't JESUS say: 'My yoke is kindly and my load is light?'

    And now, the FDS has the gall to say (in that priceless scan of a letter) that THEY HAVE DECIDED to lighten the load of the rank and file? First off, it's not their load to lighten and anyhow, if Jesus' load is so light, why the hell have THEY MADE IT such a BURDEN?

    They really have put themselves in Jesus' place...shame on them.

    So now that they're acknowledging 'lifting' the load, it would be nice of them to acknowledge having placed the load in the first place.

  • Nosferatu

    - "Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia!"

    And you guys thought it was all about the Gas Prices. Where would you come up with a crazy idea like that?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I took a quick look at this earlier today as I was on my way out. It ticks me off.

    Wasn't the whole point of small groups meeting together was that when the tribulation started the halls would be closed by the government and people would HAVE to meet in small groups. Isn't that what happens in countries where JWs are "persecuted" Isn't that what the WTS has been pushing all these ye4ars?

    The longer the WTS is around the less sense they make

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