I am going to answer 2 different ways.
First of all, the congregation holding the "publisher's cards" has authority over the
said publisher's status and is the only congregation that can authorize a judicial
committee. They can go through the C.O. and have elders outside of the local
congregation on the committee or appeals committee, but outside congs. have
no authority without the cooperation of the card holders.
Cards can be transferred easily enough. A proper transfer is simply showing
up at a new cong. and giving the secretary information on your old cong. so he
can arrange for the mailing of your records and, typically, a letter of introduction.
Elders are generally not going to forward records until a secretary requests them.
If you never showed up, requested a secretary to obtain your records, then the old
cong. has authority to form the Star Chamber Council (JC).
Secondly, none of these guys has ANY authority over you. You do not have to
take their phone calls. You do not have to show up when they request you. You don't
have to provide new phone numbers and addresses when you change them. If they were
to announce you as "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" at some cong. because of
judicial actions or because you didn't show up for judicial actions, you do not have to
recognize the status they applied to you, nor do you have to inform relatives, friends, or
anyone that such an announcement was made. Even people who know about it, you are
under no obligation to participate in a shunning. You can speak to anyone you want to
speak to. You can lunch with anyone you want to lunch with. You can visit any Hall
you want to visit.
If you want to "move" congregations, my advice is to officially show up at the new hall,
but give a throwaway cell phone number and try to avoid giving them an address. (I don't
know it yet- it's on Main St. somewhere, here's my phone number.) Get the secretary to
transfer your records by showing up for the Sunday meeting for three weeks. Then just
stop showing up, ditch the phone number. If you bump into these clowns, just say things
are rough right now, see ya soon. Either that, or just fade away without returning calls.
They quickly lose interest in most cases. If they don't, you can still put them off