I've heard whispered tales that some daring souls actually do do that. Yes, eat dessert first. I don't know for myself, however if that's the right course. Typically, for us Middle Earth ethnics, the antepasto* is the first course. Putting the cart before the horse surely will lead to the end of western dining as we know it, not to mention (just did!) a lapse into moral degeneracy (been there, done that).
Included in this cesspool of devil-may-care independent thinking and chafing under discipline will be the clandestine viewing of PG-13 flims with your fiends. Oh, the humanity, the humanity.
I had salad for breakfast.
All right, all right - antipasto, which is a stupid spelling, especially when you consider that I am as well acquainted with Latin as FF is/was/whatever with Hebrew and Greek. What a worthless reason for an edit! "Antipasto" spells "in opposition to" the meal, not before. What do I know ... Oh, so you know something I don't?
I'm not afraid of the truth.