How do you put a pricetag on....

by purplesofa 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    How do you put a price on Talent?

    Good management.]

    If there was no Brian Epstein we might never have heard of the Beatles.

    People with talent need someone to exploit them.

    Talent is everywhere. There is far more talent than talented managers.

    Every town has many guitar players that are better than Eric Clapton, but they havent got a talented manager.

    Maybe they were not in the right place at the right time to get the breaks either.

    Breaks are as important as management when you are trying to make talent equall success.

    If you got a little bit of talent and a lot of money you can have your 15 minutes of fame and a hit or two.

    This talent, management equation applies where ever talent is trying to be recognized.

  • jaguarbass

    If your trying to sell your art and want to make a lot of money, you need to create something unique, make copies of it and distribute it on as big a scale as you can.

    You want to create a buzz in your artistic community to draw people to your item.

    Interviews in trade magazines any publicity you can get.

    I would take the copies of your original creations load up the suv and tour the city flea markets, art galleries where ever you see your customer base.

    This is how the music business works. Musicians have to take the product out to the masses.

    And then they can sell them a c'd or t-shirt at the show.

    When the build up a big following they may be able to sell their music on the net or in stores.

    With your art you might want to contact interior decorators also.

    What I see living here in Florida people sell their oil paintings and water colors in restaurants my guesstimate is when they sell the originall they are getting between 10 and 20 dollars an hour. Not much goes for more than 200$.

    But I eat in cheap restaurants.

    I think creating something unique and selling the copy is the way to go with art.

  • Robdar

    How do you put a price on Talent? Good management.

    If there was no Brian Epstein we might never have heard of the Beatles.

    People with talent need someone to exploit them.

    Talent is everywhere. There is far more talent than talented managers.

    Every town has many guitar players that are better than Eric Clapton, but they havent got a talented manager.

    Maybe they were not in the right place at the right time to get the breaks either.

    Breaks are as important as management when you are trying to make talent equall success.

    If you got a little bit of talent and a lot of money you can have your 15 minutes of fame and a hit or two.

    This talent, management equation applies where ever talent is trying to be recognized.

    Jaguarbass has just given you some very good advice. Most artists do not know how to sell themselves. You need someone who can do that for you. If you are going to manage yourself, do not be afraid to promote yourself. Being shy will do nothig for you.

    If your trying to sell your art and want to make a lot of money, you need to create something unique, make copies of it and distribute it on as big a scale as you can.

    You want to create a buzz in your artistic community to draw people to your item.

    Interviews in trade magazines any publicity you can get.

    I would take the copies of your original creations load up the suv and tour the city flea markets, art galleries where ever you see your customer base.

    This is how the music business works. Musicians have to take the product out to the masses.

    And then they can sell them a c'd or t-shirt at the show.

    When the build up a big following they may be able to sell their music on the net or in stores.

    With your art you might want to contact interior decorators also.

    What I see living here in Florida people sell their oil paintings and water colors in restaurants my guesstimate is when they sell the originall they are getting between 10 and 20 dollars an hour. Not much goes for more than 200$.

    But I eat in cheap restaurants.

    I think creating something unique and selling the copy is the way to go with art.

    More excellent advice. The only thing I would add is look and act the part. Invest in yourself--buy a couple of nice pieces of clothing that reflect your own personal style. Remember, it's all in the presentation.

  • purplesofa

    Thanks for the comments,


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