I blame the jw's

by Naeblis 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    Well, Xena, all that THIS “asshole” can say is: There’s pictures, and then there’s pictures.

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    hmm, venny, i think yer a sexy lady either way :)

    xena *whispers IN your mouth* ~ 'i'll tell you after we tackle nae' ;)

    ~ §¦¡† \|/®¡§†§ ؃ †#ë §|<¥ ~

  • Xena

    Yadirf thank you for enlarging that for me

    Wow first you enlarged jduba's...and I saw those wonderful eyes...then you did mindchilds....and wow what lips....and last but certainly not least you did ven's....and all I can say is DAMN WOMAN you are HOT (that is to Ven and not you Yadirf)...in the other pictures she looked beautiful and sophisticated...but in this one she just looks beautiful and SEXY pure and simple!!!

    lol hope we aren't embarrassing you to much Ven

    (whispers to mango) if we sneak up behind naeb while his back is turned and he is bending over looking for his sock....

    Say can I pick who you enlarge next Yadirf??? (hint is is a fruity name)

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    xena... just ask me, doll ;) teehee

    ~ §¦¡† \|/®¡§†§ ؃ †#ë §|<¥ ~

  • Xena

    You know Ms My Mailbox is Locked Mango..you could email me sometime....

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    WHAT?! haha, simon played around with my account to fix it, so he must have locked it by accident. all betters now. :)

    ~ §¦¡† \|/®¡§†§ ؃ †#ë §|<¥ ~

  • tyydyy

    Thanks Yadirf,
    I'm getting old and that picture looks so much better when it's larger. Of course I look better when I'm larger too but let's not go there. I don't think there are any LARGER pics of me out there.


    All I can say is. Woo Hoo!!!!


  • joelbear


    Socks are not mentioned in the Bible thus we can conclude that they are of pagan origin and should not be used.


    I love the new picture. I think it moved.


    You need to learn how to treat ladies.


  • Scully

    Naeblis writes:

    People let's stick to the issues here and by issues I mean me. My sock is missing. I searched high (then low) and turned up nothing. Did Rutherford have a thing against socks?

    Well they do seem to have a thing against "sex". Perhaps someone at Bethel needs to spend some more time with their Hooked on Phonics game. <g>

    Love, Scully

  • Abaddon

    Naeblis, you got it wrong.

    Blame Canada


    Socks are like guitar plectrums. They slip into some time-space votice and turn up later, or somewhere else. Half the odd socks in your house are actually OTHER people's socks.

    Anyway, check your feet. They should be pinky-white and smooth. Patterns, bright colours, woolyness, all indicate you have, as (my god I'm agreeing with Friday) they say, made a mistake.

    If this is the case, then you got to Holland. We have stuff that makes you forget you're wearing ANYTHING.


    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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