Propaganda, the tool of facists

by dawg 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    This is what happens on this site week after week, someone starts a thread, they present facts.. then a right winger lays in wait to attack not the argument, but the man...

    I've said it before, but you on the right are enemies for this reason... I made a thread that had the facts of the last two weeks of this campaign, and I was attacked as a person... I bet you a damn million you'd not act like that to my face you cowards...

    Show me where even once the Obama campaign has attacked McCain's personal life, who he associated with on a personal basis, where the man was called a "socialist" or something like that.. you can't do it!

    And you on the right follow suit each day on this site, sling insults because you don't know shit. This is why this country is failing right now, elections are won by cowards who deferred military service or had their daddies get them National Guard Service, while a man who was actually shot at get's swift boated.

    At least that can;t be said of McCain, so instead he has to make up a swift boat, he has to make Obama socialist... sad really.

  • Gregor

    Dawg, you are right out of the textbook. You may think you are a thinker but you are just another drone...

  • Gopher

    Wow, Dawg -- you got Godwin's law out of the way right away.

    But in reference to your theme -- the Republican campaign has gone way out of the way to frame the middle-class tax cut as a form of "welfare". Welfare? Give me a break. Welfare sounds like a code word for "Obama wants to give your hard-earned money to lazy people". But that's obviously b.s.

    Another propagandistic word the Repubs have been trotting out lately? "Socialism". They claim that Obama shows "hints of socialism", but won't come right out and call him that. Just drip and drop propaganda, and hope that it takes. Obama is obviously not for egalitarianism. Some may say his proposal to restore taxes on the richest 5% to their pre-Bush level is unfair, but to say it's socialism is purely propaganda.

    Another propaganda "gem" we've been hearing from the Republicans in the past few days is that there is the "real America" (THEIR America), and the fake America. Sarah Palin referred to the small town folks cheering for her as the "real America", as if other Americans were somehow less patriotic. How jingoistic! And U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) suggested that there should be a congressional investigation as to which of Obama's cronies in Congress weren't "Pro-America".

    Geez Michelle, it sounds to me like YOU are the anti-American here. Just like Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wisc.) in the 1950's marched a bunch of Americans in front of Congress to try to blacklist them as Communist, now Bachmann is trying this same brand of propaganda in the 21st century.

    To quote Edward R. Murrow, Congresswoman Bachmann, have you no shame?

    Unfortunately I'm not in Bachmann's district so I can't help vote her out, but it looks like she just dug her own political grave. So much for being the bright shining spokesman, the "future" of the Republican party.

  • beksbks


    This is what happens on this site week after week, someone starts a thread, they present facts.. then a right winger lays in wait to attack not the argument, but the man...


    Dawg, you are right out of the textbook. You may think you are a thinker but you are just another drone...

  • JeffT
    "Joe the Plumber" and his desire to buy the company he works for was a lie... he only made 40K, and his company only grossed a little over 100K. Yet his name is still evoked on the campaign trail.

    Yes, I guess you guys are right. Aspiring to anything is stupid.

    We should all just accept our lot in life.

  • Gregor

    Dawg does not present facts. Most of his posts are angry diatribes in which he lashes out at anyone he perceives as not agreeing with his emotional political stance, calling roughly half the voters in the country "fools" or "idiots", etc, Talk about a fascist, thank goodness he's just a mentally ill middle aged man out in Atlanta....makes you wonder how he would handle the authority to imprison or...worse.

  • JeffT

    What happened to "The Audacity of Hope" and "Change we need."

    Does Joe get nothing to hope for?

  • Gregor

    Well put, Jeff. I guess the audacity of hope means don't get too big for your britches or Daddy Government will slap you down, grab your wallet, take out what they want and toss whats left back at you, you greedy upstart bastard!

  • still-fading

    Right out of the play book. Joe the plumber, dismiss the issues raised, attack the source. And propaganda? Are you kidding me? Obama purchased 2 half hour prime time spots and the national networks, but that's not propaganda right?

  • BurnTheShips
    "All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."

    I think this is true of any mass political media that is intended to persuade, regardless of the source.

    "Joe the Plumber" and his desire to buy the company he works for was a lie... he only made 40K, and his company only grossed a little over 100K. Yet his name is still evoked on the campaign trail.

    Joe the Plumber wants to be Joe the business owner someday. Why should he give up hope? I hope to do the same. Why should I give up hope? It is people like us that reach out and work hard to better ourselves that drive this country. Why should we accept that the fruit of our hard work should be relentlessly confiscated once we reach some artificial definition of success? I know several people that make over 250k; they all work their very hard and have made many sacrifices. They are highly intelligent and have made good decisions as well. It is simply immoral to forcibly take from these people in order to distribute to the able-bodied unproductive. If you are healthy and you stay poor in America, it is your own fault. I'll be damned if I let Obama socialize our tax system even more than it is without a fight.

    Contrary to today's BS coming from the McCain camp, Obama,s no more a socialist than McCain...

    I disagree. While both candidates are too far to the left domestically for my tastes, ideologically Obama is a great deal to the left of McCain.

    What do you guys think?

    I think you sound desperate.


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