#4 Talk - Timothy why beneficial

by still_in74 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • still_in74

    hey - does anyone have this talk written already?

    Of course that would be us suckers still in. I have to give it tonight and i havent written it yet.

    Cmon,,, help a brother out!!!!

  • bonnzo

    i have it thursday nite. pm me your outline and save me some trouble....you do use an outline, don't you. :)

  • undercover

    "Timothy, why beneficial.

    I got nothing.

    The end."

    Brother still_in, I'm going to mark you a "W" on timing...

  • still_in74

    oh you lucky bastard! I was supposed to get the help here.. .

    I will send you the full and complete manuscript that I will haul up on stage for your perusal ! ;)

  • still_in74





    Counsel to a Christian elder regarding his responsibilities

    Written by the apostle Paul evidently sometime after his release from his first imprisonment in Rome



    Wage spiritual warfare, maintaining faith and a good conscience (1:18, 19)

    Your concern should be, not with bodily training, but with godly devotion; do not let others look down on your youth but rather be a good example and make advancement (4:7b-16)

    Do not appoint someone hastily to a position, so as to avoid being a sharer in sins of others (5:22)



    Command certain ones not to teach different doctrines, nor to pay attention to false stories and genealogies (1:3, 4)

    Certain ones have deviated from love and unhypocritical faith; they want to be teachers of law but lack understanding of its intent (1:5-11)

    In later periods of time there will be a falling away from the faith (4:1-5)

    Counteract wrong influences; be nourished with words of faith; reject false stories (4:6, 7a)

    False teaching breeds envy, strife, abusive speeches, suspicions, violent disputes, and the use of what is godly for selfish gain (6:3-5)

    Flee from bad fruitage resulting from love of money; fight the fine fight of the faith and resist false doctrine (6:11, 12, 20, 21)



    Overseer’s qualifications include his being irreprehensible; having only one wife; being sound in mind, orderly, hospitable, qualified to teach, self-controlled as to drink and temper, reasonable; not loving money; presiding well over his household; not being a new convert; and having a good reputation outside the congregation (3:1-7)

    Ministerial servants must be serious, not double-tongued, not heavy drinkers, nor greedy of dishonest gain, first tested as to fitness, free from accusation, presiding well over their households (3:8-10, 12, 13)



    Prayers should be offered for all sorts of men—including rulers, to the end that Christians may live peaceably with godly devotion; it is God’s will that all sorts of men should be saved (2:1-4)

    There is only one God and one mediator, Jesus Christ, so men offering prayers should lift up "loyal hands, apart from wrath and debates" (2:5-8)

    Women should dress in a modest, becoming manner, reflecting reverence for God; they may not teach in the congregation or exercise authority over a man (2:9-15)

    Only widows aged 60 and over who have a fine reputation and no living children or grandchildren should be included on the list of those to receive material help from the congregation (5:3-16)

    Elders working hard in speaking and teaching should be viewed as deserving of "double honor" (5:17, 18)

    Do not accept an accusation against an older man unless there are two or three witnesses; practicers of sin must be reproved before all onlookers (5:19-21)

    Slaves should be exemplary in subjection to their owners, especially if their masters are fellow believers (6:1, 2)

    All should be content if they have sustenance and covering; the love of money is a root of injurious things, and those determined to be rich come to spiritual harm (6:6-10)

    Wealthy ones must not be arrogant, trusting in riches; rather, they should be ready to share generously with needy ones (6:17-19)





    Encouragement and counsel to help Timothy remain firm in the difficult times ahead

    The last inspired letter written by Paul, during his second imprisonment in Rome



    "Stir up like a fire the gift of God" that you received; do not be ashamed of the witness about Christ or of Paul as a prisoner; take your part in suffering for the good news (1:6-8)

    Guard the pattern of healthful words (1:13, 14)

    Like a soldier, be single-minded; like an athlete in the games, contend according to the rules; be like the hardworking farmer; endure faithfully (2:3-13)

    Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, handling the word of truth aright (2:15)

    Flee from desires of youth, but pursue godly qualities in company with those who call on the Lord out of a clean heart (2:22)



    Avoid fights about words and talk that violates what is holy; with mildness, try to recover those ensnared by the Devil (2:16-26)

    In the last days there will be critical times hard to deal with because of the wicked attitudes of people; they will be lovers of money and of pleasures rather than lovers of God; shun such people (3:1–7)

    These corrupted men will go on resisting the truth; but stick to what you have accepted as true because you learned it from people you knew well and from the inspired Scriptures (3:8-17)

    Persevere in preaching the word, evangelizing, fully accomplishing your ministry—even though times are coming when men will not want to listen to healthful doctrine but will prefer having their ears tickled by teachers of their own choosing (4:1-5)



    Paul was appointed an apostle of Jesus Christ; he is now suffering because of this but is not ashamed (1:11, 12)

    As a prisoner in chains, he was virtually abandoned by all from the district of Asia, but Onesiphorus diligently searched for him and brought him refreshment (1:15-18)

    Recognizing his death to be imminent, Paul confidently looks forward to the day when Jesus Christ will give the crown of righteousness to him as well as to all others who have loved his manifestation (4:6-8)

    No one took his side in his first defense; nevertheless, Paul was strengthened by the Lord Jesus Christ; he is confident that the Lord will save him for His heavenly Kingdom (4:16-18)

  • BabaYaga

    heh, heh, heh.

    This entire thread strikes me as deliciously funny... who knew that the infamous JWD could become the cheat-sheet "Cliff's Notes" for the Theocratic Ministry School? Just wait until word gets out about THIS one!!! *wink*

    Thanks for the guilty pleasure!

  • still_in74



    True knowledge is gained by personal study under the guidance of God’s spirit and organization. This is what enables an elder, or any Christian for that matter, to be "a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright." He will not be like false religious leaders who are "always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth."—2 Timothy 2:15; 3:7.

    kind of sounds like an incrimination of themselves dont ya think?
  • still_in74

    well I think i might just cough cough my way out of this one. I dunno.

    I printed off a bunch of jibberish form the SI book, I may just highlight and underline stuff at my seat before the talk and try to piece somehting together, no one is listening anyway.

    I let you know tomorrow!

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    I have to give it tonight and i havent written it yet.

    LOL ! You sound like a Bethelite. When I was serving in Brooklyn Bethel, I remember that a number of us would finish up writing talks and preparing Service Meeting parts as we rode the subway to our Kingdom Hall.

    Why is it that so many JWs treat their talk assignmens in the same way that they do with filing their taxes? It must be because they're both so much fun.

    Break a leg brother!

  • still_in74

    ah screw it, i'm bailing.............

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