Can you provide WT references for me of the use of the term,

by halcyon 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • halcyon

    "Current truth", please?

  • jwfacts

    I cannot find any such phrase on the WT CD library. It is unlikely the Watchtower would use such a term, as it is an admission that their version of truth changes. What they try to say is that their version of truth has always been the same, just gets clarified.

      "At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case." Watchtower 1981 Dec 1 p.27
    • halcyon

      Is it in the Elder's book, perhaps?

    • watson

      Try "present truth."

    • jwfacts

      This may be what you are looking for from p.100 of the elders manual regarding disfellowshipping.

      "elders should be certain that their deci-
      sions and answers are based solidly on the Bible and are
      in harmony with the most recent statements by the
      Society . (Compare 1 Corinthians 4 :6 .)
      Before initiating a judicial hearing, elders assigned to serve
      on the judicial committee should review guidelines set out
      in Units 5 (a), 5 (b), and 5 (c) as well as examine perti-
      nent scriptures and references in the Society's publica-
      tions .
      They should also be sure to proceed in harmony with
      current information published in The Watchtower and in
      letters from the Society "

    • jwfacts


      w524/1p.219AnInternationalAssemblyinRome*** One of the speakers pointed out the great need for the Bible in Italy and how those who had already come to the truth must keep up with present truth. They must appreciate what the Lord provides through his organization and study diligently


      w527/15p.427‘LetEachOneWatchHowHeBuilds’***Those whose hearts were honest were only too glad to get the increased light and to let go of the false teachings and wrong practices as soon as the fire brought them to their attention. They had no selfish affinity for such. They wanted their message to be as pure as Jehovah’s words, as silver purified in a furnace seven times. (Ps. 12:6, 7, AS; Isa. 12:1) Their chief concern was to have Jehovah’s approval and share in the vindication of his name.—Prov. 27:11.On the other hand, those who had accepted "present truth" because of some selfish reason or motive, refused to let go of the wood, hay and stubble. It was these very things that had attracted them to the truth, and so they could not let go of them. They were too proud to admit that they had made mistakes; they were too self-centered to let go of the flattering occupations of character development and creature worship; they were too fearful of what Satan’s world could do to them to take an unequivocal and bold stand for God’s kingdom. So they, together with their hay, wood and stubble, perished as far as Jehovah’s organization was concerned. If they had let go of these things they might have been saved


      jvchap.10p.121GrowinginAccurateKnowledgeoftheTruth***Frequently they referred to their Scriptural beliefs as "present truth"—not with any idea that truth itself changes but rather with the thought that their understanding of it was progressive.


      rechap.1p.8par.8Revelation—ItsHappyClimax!***An even stronger reason for publishing this book is the need to keep up-to-date with present truth. Jehovah is continually shedding greater light on the meaning of his Word, and we can expect that our understanding of Revelation, along with other prophecies, will be sharpened as we draw closer to the great tribulation.


      w663/1p.147par.13TheAdditionalObligationsoftheOverseer***He must be a mature, well-balanced Christian, well grounded in the Scriptures and present truth.
    • stillajwexelder

      i CONFIRM - NOT ON THE 2008 cd rom

    • yknot

      The term 'present truth' can be found back in the Herald of the Morning articles.

    • watson

      Another one to look for is "current understanding."

    • halcyon

      so are you saying, s.JWex, that "present truth" has been removed from the 2008 CD rom?

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