Why am I so lucky...Please help with this teaching ...

by Iwonder17 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Iwonder17

    Ok, here is something that I have struggled with for YEARS !! The question is in multiple parts that I will state in no particular order.

    How can it be that only 6 million people are right and 6 BILLION are wrong?

    How is it that I am luchy enough to be "born into the truth", cuz if I wasn't, I know that I would never give a JW the time of day if they came to my door.

    What is I was born in India or China,, chances are that I would not be a JW. Why am I "lucky" and the kids that was born at the exact same time in Indai or China not lucky.

    This question has driven me crazy for years and I can't believe that .1$ of the population is correct and EVERYONE else is wrong and going to die

    Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Yep, I used to wonder that.

    Then it changed to "Why me? Why did I have the misfortune to be born to a JW family??!!"

  • Satanus

    It's the i/me/my ego thing that we get lost in as we grow up. It's a creation of our advanced mind. As w many others, you are slowly waking up to the rest of the human 'organism' on this planet. We are not special, the western god is not better than the eastern. We are each like a drop of water from the ocean, as is every being on the planet. Enjoy your time, before you return to the ocean, once again.


  • Open mind
    Open mind
    Enjoy your time, before you return to the ocean, once again.

    That's just "Satanic".


    Just wish I had learned to embrace this life a bit sooner.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Hey Iwonder17, here's some food for thought from Carl Sagan that might be helpful:

    For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

    All the best to you on your journey.


  • verystupid77

    I have not posted as much as I should I just started in June eveyone here has been so nice to me. But I have to add to this thread. I have asked C.O.'s everyone that question why am I in the truth and no one else. They all give me the same lame answers of how Jehovah loves just me so much. Please!!!! So he hates everyone else!!!!! How stupid is that and I bought into that for so long how dumb was I. Jehovah is not using this religon. The answer is because I just happend to be unlucky enough to be born into it. That is the true answer. God I wish I had not been.

  • Iwonder17

    So true !!!

    When you ask other people in the "truth" to help answer this for you, you get the same answer over and over:

    "Jehovah sees something in your heart" or "you have the right heart condition"

    BS ! There are tons of people that I know that are great people ( actually, much better than I am ) and their heart is 1000 better than mind. So why are they not "drawn to the truth"

  • halcyon

    The answer I was given made much more sense to me: "God reads hearts, so even if someone has a good heart but doesn't hear the truth, God will still save them."

    Which translated, to me, into "God is Just, and will save the good-hearted everywhere. He will also destroy JWs who are not good-hearted. The only benefit to becoming a JW is that it can't be a bad thing to have high standards, so you won't experience so much heartache like other people."

    That's apparently not the Party Line, huh? Looks like I've been an apostate since age 13.


    "Why was I lucky enough to be born into the JW`s??".......I ask myself that all the Frigg`n time!!..LOL!!......What the Hell kind of a Prize,is that??!!.....It`s right up there with,going to the dentist and having your teeth drilled..Or..Bobbing for French Frys in a Deep Fryer..LOL!!.......................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • isaacaustin

    yeah, its the typical cult=like think "I have something you don't have"

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