While the "fruits of the spirit" are probably most desirable... who's perfect? So, I'll settle for (and, yes, in this order, 'cause I'm imperfect, too):
Love (the "real" kind, which is not necessarily related to anything physical, but doesn't necessarily or entirely rule that out)
Kindness (to all, no matter their station, views, or values)
Intelligence (and not just the regular run-of-the-mill home grown common sense kind, though there's nothing wrong with that. But I do like a "deep" conversation every now and again and the usual "grunt" just won't suffice...)
Faith (c'mon, ya'll new that had to be in there - a total must, just in order to put up with me)
Good sense of humor (actually, GREAT sense of humor 'cause I like to laugh; it feels good - and I'm kind funny lookin', so this really is a must!!)
An understanding of reciprocity... and the desire/ability to act on that understanding (every lady here will know what I mean, but if the gentlemen need an explanation, I would say 'ask the lady in your life')
That's pretty much it. And praise JAH, I have this in my life.
SA, on her own