Conversations with a True Believer

by Farkel 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Nothing makes one happier to be out of religious crap that a conversation with a true believer.

    It all started innocently enough. We talked about music. He said I probably knew nothing about music and that he was a former disk jockey. I said I knew plenty about music and that I had been playing serious music for 50 years. He said since I only played serious or "classical" music I couldn't possibly know anything about music, let alone know how much HE knew about music, since he was a former disk jockey and he knew ALL about music.

    Well, it just went downhill from there, folks. But I played along. I was curious.

    He gave his idiotic opinions about musical bands old and new and I kept asking him questions as to why he had arrived at such conclusions. He said I was too stupid to understand his opinions.

    Then, just straight out of the blue when he realized we were done with his rants about music, he proclaims that he was a "saved" Christian! Not just any Christian, but a "saved(tm)" one.

    I said, "I'm happy for you, then.' He asked me if I was saved. I said I didn't think so or I don't know, and then he gave me an outpouring of Christian love and compassion that I have never experienced in my life. He said, "you are an atheist." I said I was not an atheist. He said, 'you will rot in HELL(tm) for ever and you ARE an atheist.' I asked him if anyone who doesn't agree with what he believes is an atheist and he said, "Yes."

    So I started to quote many, many Bible verses to him to show him what a moron and self-righteous twit he was, and that REALLY pissed him off! I pointed out to him that he had called me an asshole several times and that I had never ever raised my voice up against him. I asked him if Jesus would ever stoop to low as to call the Pharisees and Saducees "assholes.'

    Fortunately for me, the bus came, and it was his bus and not my bus. I sent a silent prayer for him, blessing him and sending him on his path......but he had me judged, tried and convicted into eternal hell. I wish the best for him and maybe one day, he might rethink his arrogance.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Was it a short bus?

  • gymbob

    There is no person as blind as the one who will not see.....or something like that. Hey, I'm everyone else. :) Gymbob

  • middleman

    Sorry to hear that but thankfully not all Christians are like that judgmental person you dealt with. Jesus is love and a decent amount of pious Christians are more concerned about being right than they are about being compassionate and loving...sad but true.


  • llbh

    That reasoning or lack of it amazes me, i think the best word to descibe it is hubris

    Regards David

  • Outaservice

    My prayer is that some day a lot of Christians will come to Christ!


  • Nowman

    Sounds to me that the true believer you spoke with has an insecurity problem, has to make himself feel better by putting you down whether by name calling or acting like hes smarter than you. I was glad to read he got on the bus.


  • Satanus

    Well, dj's can easily get into god mode. By playing the people for whom they play music, they might think that they are the god over the dance floor.

    Anyway, farkel, you are saved, ie, after your body croaks, you are going to a better place, possibly better than where that schlub is going for a while. Everyone is saved, even unfortunately, dick cheney and the wall street puppet w bush. I'm sort of kidding, but, it's good to tell those oh so righteous assholes that.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    he had called me an asshole several times

    I was called one of those yesterday at the Rite Aid pharmacy by one of the ministerials. He saw my grizzled commander Riker beard and he asked if I had gone apostate. When I asked him to define apostate he said to never mind, that I am an apostate and an asshole for wearing a beard.....What Evahhh

  • DoomVoyager
    He said since I only played serious or "classical" music I couldn't possibly know anything about music

    That alone proves that he has the intelligence of a garden snail. A DJ, pfft.

    He saw my grizzled commander Riker beard and he asked if I had gone apostate. When I asked him to define apostate he said to never mind, that I am an apostate and an asshole for wearing a beard

    Should've set phasers to stun!

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