What is JW's or WTBTS stance on Aliens or UFO's?

by underaglassmoon2 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • underaglassmoon2

    What is JW's or WTBTS stance on Aliens or UFO's? I would asume they would say they dont exsist. But would they go as far to say anything seen is the devil? I have a story I was going to share with "Dad" but then thought.. how would he take it if what i saw was "the devil" So before i tell him.. looking for anyone who might know here. Tried you-tube but could not find info there.


  • yknot


    g 96 7/8 pp.26-27 UFO’s— Messengers From God?***





    AS THE 20th century winds down and conditions on earth steadily deteriorate, belief in unidentified flying objects (UFO’s) and their passengers, extraterrestrial beings, continues to spread. Are UFO’s just fiction, a deception, a hoax perpetrated by people who like to laugh at the public’s gullibility?

    Those who claim to have seen UFO’s or their extraterrestrial passengers include seemingly normal, trustworthy people; in fact, those who believe in these visitors from other planets include well-educated professors and scientists. They are convinced that extraterrestrials are observing humans and, at times, communicating with them. So-called extraterrestrial support groups are available to assist people who claim they have made contact with space visitors.



    In AliensAmongUs, Ruth Montgomery interviews some of a growing number of people who are convinced that they are extraterrestrial visitors residing in human bodies. Some of these who claim to be humanized extraterrestrials foretell that in the year 2000, there will be "a cosmic event that the hierarchies of angels and masters have been preparing for." Some people believe that extraterrestrials are using UFO’s to collect and preserve plant and animal specimens or that UFO’s will be used as rescue ships to transfer millions of humans away from impending desolation of the earth. After the great destruction, humans are to be returned to begin "the New Age and the New Order" of spiritual awareness. One young man from Colorado, U.S.A., a member of a group who call themselves "Alien Youth," told Awake! in all seriousness: "My friends and I are waiting for our alien ancestors to beam us up."

    A few of those who assert that they are extraterrestrials claim that they are led by God, and others claim that they speak freely with him for advice in assisting humanity. Is God working through visitors from other planets to save mankind from an upcoming world catastrophe?



    Early in man’s history, God communicated with humans. The Bible record describes divine conversations with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, and others. (Genesis 3:8-10; 6:13; 15:1) Dreams, voices, and visions were used to communicate God’s will and to produce the Bible. However, after the Bible was completed, was there a need for direct heavenly communication with mankind? No, since the Bible states that the Holy Scriptures make "the man of God . . . fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:17) According to the Bible, guidance for these troubled times is to come from the written Word of God. Nevertheless, is there any reason to believe that we would receive communication or special instructions directly from God through an extraterrestrial spokesman? No, for the apostle Paul stated: "Even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed."—Galatians 1:8.

    Although the assertions of supposed extraterrestrial beings seem to agree with Bible prophecies that the earth is soon to undergo major cataclysmic changes, they offer a method of survival that relies on creatures. The Bible does not urge men to flee to the supposed security of alien spacecraft or any other place. Rather, it tells us to seek protection in a dedicated relationship with God, which dedication is symbolized by water baptism. (1 Peter 3:21; compare Psalm 91:7; Matthew 28:19, 20; John 17:3.) And Jesus said that "he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved."—Matthew 24:13.

    Do not these scriptures emphasize a spiritual relationship with God for survival rather than a physical location of refuge? Therefore, instead of assisting mankind to survive, stories about ‘nonhuman beings’ divert people’s attention away from what God actually requires for their everlasting welfare.

    Who may try to steer mankind away from God’s means of survival, yet claim to represent God? Ed Conroy, in his book ReportonCommunion, states that "serious ufologists [those who study UFO’s] with training in the psychological and social sciences" include comparative studies of "‘bedroom visitors,’ ghosts, poltergeists, apparitions, religious visions, and what have been regarded as demons." Many ufologists and those who claim to be extraterrestrials in human form state that using spaceships to travel is mostly unnecessary. They say that these beings can travel invisibly and materialize anywhere on earth without arriving in spacecraft.

    The Bible warns that Satan and his demons are intent on misleading mankind. They take advantage of mankind’s despair and hopelessness to offer attractive, but false, solutions. (2 Corinthians 11:14) Hence, the Bible warning: "In later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons."—1 Timothy 4:1.

    In like manner today, any supposed visits and seemingly beneficial guidance from such beings should be rejected, whatever form they may take. Those who would rather follow the advice of "extraterrestrials" than God’s Word are bound to be misled—a terrible mistake to make in these critical times

  • underaglassmoon2

    So there stance is . there could be UFO's but they would in fact be from demons? Or Demons materializing things to mislead?

  • yknot

    It is always DEMONS !

    Seriously I remember when ET came out we had the Demon/UFO discussion.

    It was agreed that such occurances are better demon jobs then say looking like Jesus-like image on a cornflake.

    In fact I dare say that if you think that UFOs /aliens are real according to the JWs you are probably being possesed by a demon right now!

  • jwfacts

    I remember the article on UFO's with amusment, when it said there are UFO's - they are angels.

    Regarding other life forms, there is no real Biblical basis for why there could not be, but the Watchtower claims we are the only lifeform in this universe.

  • cameo-d

    Hi. I just posted a topic recently when I found some info that says WT believes that the wicked angels might repent and join god's organization.

    If they do teach this, then maybe that is who they are conspiring with for all of this "new light". Maybe they are taking direction from these evil angels who have convinced them that they are trying to "do good". I think they are all bad.


  • kurtbethel

    Paul stated: "Even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed."—Galatians 1:8.

    Hmmmm, is that not exactly what happens in Brooklyn with those angels channeling that new light to the GB over the years?

  • jwfacts

    This is that quote about good angels being ETs.


    The Bible also speaks of extraterrestrials, spirit creatures, such as obedient angels and disobedient, rebellious angels who became demons. Down through Bible history, God on many occasions used faithful angels to communicate with men. (Genesis 22:9-18; Isaiah 6:1-7) Satan still uses his demon followers to mislead mankind with all kinds of philosophies, fads, messages, communications, and cults that distract from the message that God’s Kingdom, his heavenly government, will soon rule over a restored earth.—Compare Luke 4:33, 34; James 2:19; Revelation 12:9; 21:1-4.

    The Christian apostle Paul gave due warning of demon influence in the last days when he wrote: "The inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons."—1 Timothy 4:1.

    Keeping in mind how deep we are into these apocalyptic days, it would not be advisable for Christians to spend their valuable time investigating in depth matters of this kind. Rather, we should concern ourselves with the more important challenge at hand, that is, obeying the command of the extraterrestrial holy angel who proclaimed: "Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters."

  • reniaa

    lol the first time my local fair had these laser type lights that beamed outwards and upwards into the night sky, making UFO type shapes on night clouds the local police were inundated by UFO sightings to this day I think some people think UFO's come and visit my local town coincidently everytime fair appears!

    And how many times has it turned out to be a new militery plane being tested? lol Demons? nah just average joe not understanding what he is looking at.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The Watchtower's position is quite simply that UFO's are not real because there is no intelligent life on other planets. They do not believe there is any intelligent life on other planets because if there was, and if that intelligence preceded human beings and was more advanced than ours, then Satan would have induced rebellion on that planet and Jesus would have sacrificed his life on that other planet and the whole issue of universal sovereignty and redemption of life that is made 'in God's image' would have been settled eons ago on another planet. But since all of this is happening on our planet, the conclusion is there is no intelligent life (more advanced than human beings) on any other planet, and hence no intelligent life has travelled by UFO's to our planet.


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