Is going to the worldly funeral conscience mattter? (According to the WT)
by asilentone 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, it's a conscience matter. Some JWs will attend, others will not.
The Watchtower, May 15, 2002, page 28, Questions from Readers
In any case, a Christian must carefully weigh all the factors involved. Under certain circumstances he or she may conclude that no difficulties would arise from attending a church funeral or wedding as an observer.
By far most JWs I know have attended at least one, so this definitely is not a point where the written word and everyday practise differ.
In any case, a Christian must carefully weigh all the factors involved. Under certain circumstances he or she may conclude that no difficulties would arise from attending a church funeral or wedding as an observer
yes most all JW's would go to a worldly funeral although I have heard of some not attending and their "worldly" families being outraged - and justifiabley so!
I mean, just read the quote above..... what does it say about a person that would ask someone else if they can attend a family members funeral? Or worse, an organization that would actually warn them of the "dangers" of being around their own family?
"Under certain circumstances?" - Translation: "for most all cases, a good JW should conclude that difficulties WILL arise and therefore should make it their individual choice not to go"
I have been to plenty of funerals and weddings in churches. The problem with the WTBS is that they fail to see the difference between the physical location, i.e. being in a church building, and mental and moral support of other religious organizations, which are two entirely different things. What they are always worried about is keeping up appearances.
I attended the funeral of an old friend just hours ago,in Church and sang the Hymns, coz I don't give a s**t what any witness may think.
I attended a number when I was active too,and so did others in my congo. but I doubt they sang the hymns!
Never been an issue that I have seen. When my ex-Farther In Law died all of my children, their spouses and my ex-wife (all JWs) attended the funeral in a Baptist Church. My ex-Father in law was a Baptist Deacon and one of my son in laws was a Ministerial servant.
In a way. A recent watchtower laid it out this way:
* A JW would not go.
* Going is a conscience matter IF you have a non-believing mate and they are pressuring you to go.
* Even then, you should consider if it might stumble other's in the congregation. (It's THEIR conscience that really counts)
So, in summary - if you're faithful, then you will not be going. -
Years ago my Dad was supposed to be in my uncles wedding and he wouldn't be a part of it because it was in a church.
My uncle was in his wedding. But, this was before my Dad was a JW so my Dad's wedding was in a church.