JWs and National Oaths of Allegiance Expose' by Marvin Shilmer-Please Read

by AndersonsInfo 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Farkel

    I hope the importance of this most-revealing issue is given the weight it deserves. One only needs to visit Barbara's website and look at the .pdf file. There, revealed for the world to see is the shocking document itself, together with Nathan Knorr's signature and picture on the document; there is Nathan Knorr himself SWEARING under Oath and by his own signature his personal Allegience to the United United states. This oath is far more emcompassing than the Pledge of Allegience to the Flag.

    Like millions of others, I endured ridicule and embarrassment almost daily for 12 years in school because I was forbidden to not only say the Pledge, but to put my hand over my heart. I hand to stand there like a starched dummy and pray no one would notice. Of course they noticed. Children can be incredibly cruel, especially to people who are "different." I was called a Communist, a traitor and a freak, many, many times.

    The leaders of the WTS told us all that we were ALL brothers and all equal and subject to the same Biblical laws, but it is obvious as George Orwell pointed out in Animal Farm, some brothers are more equal than other brothers and not subject to the same "Biblical" laws as other brothers.

    People like me were prosecuted and sentenced for refusing military and alterntive military service, while Brothers in Mexico were officially told to LIE and bribe Mexican officials so they could illegally obtain a Military ID card.

    People like me faced needless persecution for refusing to say the Pledge of Allegience and hundreds or thousands of people in Malawi were made homeless, raped and murdered because they were forced to refuse to obtain a political party ID card, when there was only ONE political party in the first place. As that was going on, people like Knorr, Franz, Henschel and those other bands of thieves in Brooklyn were swearing an oath of allegience to the Country so they could travel abroad. Obtaining a political party ID card is so innocuous that it is ridiculous to even discuss it. Swearing loyalty to an Earthly Government which is supposed to be an agent of Satan himself is such an act of hypocrisy that it is even more ridiculous to even discuss it.

    The Beast the Harlot of Babylon the Great was taught to be so wicked that it would be responsible to starting in motion the battle of Armageddon. We were taught to hate it, be no part of it and pray for its "demise real soon now." Yet at the same time the WTS leaders entered into an "unholy" alliance with that Beast and swore to promote and uphold all of the principals and objectives of that Beast. This went on for years and would still be going on, had not their lying deceit been exposed. Then the WTS leaders lied and acted as if they were surprised that they had signed such a pledge, stating they only did it to get a UN Library Card. They quickly resigned. Had they actually been as ignorant as they said they were and only wanted that Library Card, they would have never resigned. And they resigned within days after that association was revealed on this very own board!

    We were told to "Get ouf of Her", "Her" meaning good old Babylon the Grape, and we did. Yet the WTS leaders filed a "friend of the Court" brief in the Jimmy Swaggart tax case. Jimmy Swaggart was just about as bad any scumbag could actually be, a fraud, a crook, and an adulterer, and yet now, the WTS was his "friend." Then they lied about why they changed to the donation arrangement right after Swaggart lost his case. Note that for a number of years, the "new and simplified donation arrangement" was implemented ONLY in the USA after the Swaggart case was lost. In the rest of the world, the literature was "sold" to publishers as usual.

    Then we have Joe Rutherford's years of adultery. No problem. Ewart Chitty's and Leo Greenlees' homosexuality. No problem. Chuck Russell's and Nathan Knorr's celibate marriages. No problem. The Governing Body giving autographs to their worshippers. No problem. The Governing Body forcing little girls to face their rapists in Judicial Hearings, yet that same Governing Body was too cowardly to face THEIR accusers when confroted with their coverups of pedophilia. No problem.

    No problem? Baloney. There is a really BIG problem here: the leaders of this religion are so corrupt, so evil, so self-obsessed, so hypocritcal and so "demonized" that they are beyond redemption.

    How anyone can think that they do or ever did represent the "True" God, much less exclusively represent the "True" God is beyond reason and certainly beyond belief for any sane person.


  • Leolaia

    Excellent work, Marvin! We definitely appreciate the work and expense that you undertook for this article. I agree with kurtbethel that a very different (hypocritical) attitude towards such matters has been evinced by the leadership of the Society, while insisting on utter sacrifice on the part of the R&F -- no matter what the cost. I suspect that Nathan Knorr possibly was not bothered to even read what he was signing, or if he did, he didn't give the matter any thought as anything other than a formality. The suggestions by shadow are quite useful too -- laying out the content of the Malawi oaths would be nice. I'd have to recheck to see if this quote is given in your article, but I think it is quite noteworthy and worth mentioning here:

    *** w68 2/1 p. 73 Shocking Religious Persecution in Malawi ***

    Yes, Jesus preached and gave his allegiance to "the kingdom of the heavens," "the kingdom of God." Following Jesus’ footsteps as sincerely dedicated Christians, Jehovah’s witnesses have no alternative but to keep separate, "without spot from the world." Since they can give their allegiance only to Jehovah God and his kingdom, they feel obligated to refrain from participating in any action that gives such devotion to political leaders.

    I especially would like to know what the literature from the 1920s, 1930s, or 1940s has to say specifically about passport oaths, if anything. I wonder if, because of practicality concerns, the Society tried to construct an loophole by characterizing the kind of oath of allegiance on passports as of no consequence. Of course, all one has to do is read the content of the oath to see that it is every bit as weighty as the pledges of political allegiance that the Society forbade the R&F from undertaking. I am away from my files at the moment as I am traveling, but I will certainly check them when I return.
  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thank you Barbara for posting this and to "Marvin" for researching and writing it.

    Has Marvin revealed how he got access to Knorr's passport?

    How can we tell a JW apologist that the image and signature are legitimate?

    Just trying to help plug any holes that JW true-believers will undoubtedly grope for.

    Thanks again,


  • llbh

    This is very interesting and demonstrates very clearly the blatent hypocrisy of those at the top of the WTS

    Thanks for all your hard work

    Regards David

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Thanks for the letter from Lorene Stanley.

    At first I thought that they have one set of rules for the average JW and another for themselves. But now I'm realizing the principle is the same. Whatever promotes the benefit of the Watchtower Society, in their mind, is their true guiding principle.

    It seems, outwardly, that they contradict themselves when they tell JWs not to salute the flag, but then swear an oath of allegiance to the constitution. Or when they used to tell JW children they couldn't have vaccinations, even if required to go to school, but then got them themselves so they could travel abroad for WT purposes. But in reality the positions promote the same purpose. They pursue whatever they feel best serves the interests of the WT at the time.

    Drawing attention to the organization for its outrageous views, lawsuits, persecution, and taking clear positions against those of other religions for the sake of it, all served to advance the interests of the WTS in the eyes of the leadership. No position, regardless of the consequences, was out of bounds.

    They were, and still are, more than happy to sacrifice their followers to the god of the Watchtower.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Thanks for the research "Marvin". I wish I could say I was stunned but I'm really not. Nothing shocks me about the Borg anymore. I never knew that you needed to pledge an oath of allegiance to get a passport. I knew about the citizenship pledge but never really bothered to understand the WTS take on it. Maybe they had their fingers crossed when signing the documents?? When I think about those poor folks in Malawi and what they went through, it just makes me sick. It was never a big deal for me growing up, but I realize that is not true for everyone. Double standards are so typical for this organization.

  • DanTheMan

    Especially galling when you consider what the dubs in Malawi experienced for 'following their Bible-trained consciences'. Nice work.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Interesting. Like others I find it disgusting but not surprising.

    Sadly I think many JW's would view this information like much of the other evidence of the governing body's duplicity. Without wishing to sound crude I think it would take nothing short of a photo of them all taking part in a circle jerk to shake most dubs from their stupor.


    I`m not surprised..If your average JW finds out..1#:They won`t care..2#:If they do care,they better shut up about it! Or face a D/F!!.........Either way,it`s not a problem for the WBT$............The WBT$ knows how to shut JW`s up..Through Loyalty or Intimidation..Either way is good for the WBT$..They`ve been doing it for decades...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • megawatt

    This hits home.

    I just went through this and was naturalized about 1 month ago. And no, I didn't take the modified oath.

    The events that lead me to walk away from the WT was precisely that, the pledge of allegiance. Over a year and half ago, struggle with concept of being jw and barely attending the meetings, I needed a letter from my local congregation regarding my naturalization and since I must take a modified oath as a jw, this letter is REQUIRED from your local congregation in order to qualify. It's the law...

    From the time of requesting and actually receiving an answer it literally took almost 2 months, and this was dealing with my local elders. Keep in mind, the us government requires an official letter from the your local kingdom hall and stating that you're one of the jw's in good standing or still attending. Well after all of that, the PO finally told me that the society no longer writes letters. Say what? In fact, another elder didn't agree with this decision, and personally wrote a letter on my behalf, but since it wasn't from the Society and/or the local KH, it was unacceptable and rejected by the INS during my initial application.

    I was actually livid about this, which catapulted me into researching as to the reasons why. It doesn't matter now and in fact had I not been rejected by my own elders, who knows for how much longer I would have to be in the this mess claiming to be a jw.

    This essay and with the actual signature from Knorr just solidifies my stance to those who wonder why I hate this organization. Forwarding this info to others as we speak...

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