Was Russell a Freemason?
Although it is the problem already discussed by this forum, please teach me a conclusion briefly.
Was Russell a Freemason?
by possible-san 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
This issue has been hashed on JWD dozens and dozens of times. There is no positive proof that CTR was an actual Mason.
So back to your question! The answer is NO.
HappyDad -
Barbara Anderson even wrote to the Freemason group in Pennsylvania, and their membership books from that time period, show nothing.
I think if you consider the period of time in US history and Russell's place within society it is safe to say he knew of and associated with Masons. By the looks of both the early publications and the memorial near his final resting place show the Masons did have some influence on him and probably most males of the era.
Thank you, HappyDad, blondie, yknot.
Then, what does explanation (photograph) of the next website mean?
http://www.freeminds.org/history/cemetary.htmAnd what does the building of the Freemason near Russell's tomb mean?
It means that Russell was influenced by the Mason world........as were many men of that era.
The Mason's don't claim him and he didn't directly claim them in his lifetime.
No confirmation of membership
Only confirmation of influence.
Russell appears to be a wannabe, poser
Russell was an eclectic, taking his adventist doctrine and borrowing from Masonry, Theosophy, Rosicrucians, phrenology, pyramidology and Ghod knows what else to formulate his Watchtower teachings.
A modern equivalent would be like Scientology or the Raelians. -
And what does the building of the Freemason near Russell's tomb mean?
Nothing. It was built 70 or 80 years after Russell was buried at the cemetary. And Rosemont United Cemetary is not a Masonic cemetary. Russell was not buried at Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Center. The properties are unrelated to each other.
Do you have information about who built the pyramid by Russell's gravesite and why it was built? Thanks, Lilly
check out this link. It does a good job showing how Russell felt about the FM's. He was not one of them but he knew them well.....
Do read it, it is the most comprehensive, objective article you will read on this subject....