Press release: WT human rights violation

by Dogpatch 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Decent proof-reading aside, this has two major flaws;

    1/ It states there are two ways to leave. There are three. One can simply become inactive and slip away. This does not reduce the human-rights impacts of DF'ing of DA'ing, as if one actively leaves, one cannot do so freely. But to state there are only two ways means the press release fails in its goal by being dismissable as inaccurate by a JW or a supoorter.

    2/ It doesn't have sizzle. Essentially, to a non-concerned party, it is 'yes, and, so, what'. How about framing it in view of the recent withdrawl as a UN NGO?. Example;

    "Although JW's have been victims of human rights violations in the past, and have actively campaigned for legislation supporting human rights, recent developments have shown that they do not apply the same rules to their internal conduct. They recently withdrew from the UN as an NGO as they were no longer able to support the aims of the United Nations that NGO's are required to support, such as "xyz".

    This failure to support fundamental human rights internally is evidenced by their treatment of people who are either judged 'unworthy' of being a Jehovah's Witness and are shunned by their former associates after being difsfellowshipped by the organisation's hierachy, or who leave for personal reason, and are again shunned by their former associates due to the organisations teachings."

    This is far more interesting to any reader; blatent hypocracy, double standards, and it is all proved by their own actions in dissassociating themselves from an organisation dedicated to supporting human rights as they were unable to support that organisations aims.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Englishman

    Well, it certainly got my attention. Well done to the writer, once it's polished up, will you be sending it to Stephen Bates at the Guardian?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Seeker4

    Abaddon, you've got the idea. The release has to have a focus that will grab the interest of people for whom Jehovah's Witnesses are just an annoying religion.

    John, take these examples and do a rewrite. Include quotes from someone in the Approaches to Education organization. Keep it to around 500 words. Be specific as to what the ATE group is concerned about, and do not use ANY insulting language about JWs. Make this as professional as possible.

    And where do you plan on sending this? Newspapers?

  • Englishman

    Yes, do it quickly please. I'm meeting up soon for a drink with a reporter from the Bristol Evening Post *

    He would probably love this.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop


    Like I said, delusions of grandeur. A couple of guys talking to each other is Arizona is not a "human rights" orgainzation. You're beating such a dead horse hear that it's pathetic. But if it makes you feel important, go for it. As far as 'helping people' get real, this doesn't even approach the significance of a fart in a whirlwind and leaning on the UN is a joke.

  • BobsGirl


    Welcome to the board! I would like to commend your obvious passion for a worthy subject. A couple of points, however.

    1. You will find life here a lot more peaceful (and you will be taken MUCH more seriously) if you develop a slightly thicker skin. Please don't take our comments quite so personally. Remember that none of us know you ... it is only the word or thought that we are reacting to ... NOT YOU!

    2. If someone mails you privately ... it is probably because they didn't want to correspond publicly in a post. I would personally be VERY offended if I had sent you an email with private information in it (name, email address, etc.) and you were to turn around and post it here.

    Behavior like this does not engender trust or respect.....

    Please don't think of this as a personal attack .... only a bit of constructive criticism.


    "May the work of your hands be a sign of gratitude and reverence to the human condition." - Mahatma Gandhi

  • sf

    "2. If someone mails you privately ... it is probably because they didn't want to correspond publicly in a post. I would personally be VERY offended if I had sent you an email with private information in it (name, email address, etc.) and you were to turn around and post it here."

    I fully concur. It would be wise to delete her vital stats here. Does she know you posted this?


  • JohnJBB123

    Pork Chop,
    Your most certainly entitled to your ingnorance, which is what is. Everything you have said is incorrect. This is an attempt to help people. Keep the ignorant letters coming. It will be nice to show the four people we have help since we incorporated in September your letters so they can laugh at them. The Watchtower has treat treated some of their members this way. I do not take kindly to your behavior.

  • JohnJBB123


  • JohnJBB123


    I understand what you are saying, but I provide some couseling to other former JWs under the guidance of a lincense counselor. If I I just left the JWs, and had a vision of want I wanted to do, only to be attacked and called names, I would have left thinking that this group is just like the JWs or just another cult. I do not think this bulletin board is a cult. I do think that some of these members are talking to talk. I have gotten good reception from this program. I have captivated the attention of Ken and Claudia Minette of BRCI and Wally Shiel. Daniel Hall of reveal Ministries helped me start a support group here is Tucson. It currently has 12 regular members. I am thingking from a human services consultant viewpoint. No one would want to be treated in this negative manner, and I certainly would not allow my children to treat anyone in this manner.
    As far as posting a private email, she is alright with it, but once the actually counseling sessions start I will have to keep confidentiality. Thanks for the input

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