Good Job Blondie & commenters!
Hold on, didn't the District Crapvention Drama this year criticize Scolios for "promoting good works"? Didn't they condemn him for encouraging the doing of good rather than just preaching, preaching, and more preaching? Now they change their tune and "promote good works"! Why didn't they nitpick and explain how more or less important each task for the elderly compares to door-to-door hours? Is regularly caring for an elderly JW more or less important than a home Bible study? What if the Bible study isn't progressing? What if the elderly professes to be of the anointed (Christ's brother), is that more important than caring for an OS?
As an elder, the conditioning we receive is that the visible teaching the flock and preaching with the group are more important than the unnoticed caring for physical needs of an individual sheeple... anybody can do that. But only the elders can have the "privilege" of judicial committee meetings, which are very important. No brother ever became a CO because he did a really good job at vacuuming the homes of the elderly. When the CO visits, he looks at the columns of the publisher record cards. There is no column for time and money spent helping the elderly. Regardless of what they say in this Botchtower, helping the elderly is of no importance except for some Public Relations appearances.
Another point as an elder is following the lead of Jehovah of giving lip-service to supporting the weak and elderly, but not providing anything practical. (Jesus was another matter since he is recorded for physically helping, healing, feeding, and encouraging. So, he's not referenced in this lesson.) In this Botchtower lesson it talks about how Hojovah appreciates, loves, supports, blah, blah, blah, but really he doesn't heal them, pay their bills, clean for them, or even speak to them. He puts out a lot of words of supposed encouragement, but nothing real... they just have to wait, and wait, for the Kingdumb. So, the elders follow his lead in lip-service of commendation and appreciation, but jack-squat in practical assistance... that can be delegated to Blondie until the Kingdumb fixes everything.
As already mentioned, most of those "faithful older ones" wouldn't be impoverished, eating Alpo, and living in another JW family's garage, if they hadn't listened to the WT false prophecies about how the end was sooo close, millions now living will never die, "stay alive til 75", and such rubbish that discouraged them from saving for a comfortable retirement. How sad.
B the X