JW's who only stay for social reasons are serving out of wrong motives

by yadda yadda 2 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Wrong motives is exactly right , one foot in the hall and one foot out, we use to call these folks fence sitters.

    Not only do they lack truthfulness in ideology , they may even financially support the WTS. which may be even a bigger crime.

    I found most character profiles of most JWS to be very weak in the honesty and integrity department, it seemed if they made the

    showing on Sunday they their covered with righteous purification for the rest of the week.

    Call it being disingenuous are what ever, it stems down to hypocrisy and apathy toward what they really are supporting and holding up.

  • startingover


    Thanks for linking to that Mormon site, very interesting.

  • wozadummy

    Sure there's plenty in for the social/family aspect but does it really matter? Their token service is good is'nt it? It's of little use to WT ,and they serve to be a pain in the arse to the GB. Well done ,they don't start bible studies and drain the coffers at assemblies haha!

  • gaiagirl

    I think that the description was a fairly accurate assessment of my own time with the WTBTS.

    I eventually realized that I didn't REALLY believe the doctrines.

    I never, ever, enjoyed field service, didn't believe I was helping anyone I met, and only participated because I learned from experience that elders would hound me if I didn't.

    My primary interst, I came to realize, was in my social network of friends. However, my "friends" were only friends in a conditional manner, that is, so long as they viewed me as someone who would reinforce their own beliefs, then they were my friend, as soon as I stopped reinforcing their beliefs they were my friends no longer.

    I found that there are plenty of worthy people outside the organization, who don't care so much whether you knock doors or how you dress, people who either like you or don't based on the person you actually are, and not how well you conform to a standard imposed by a book publishing company in New York, whose primary interest is in MOVING MORE PRODUCT.

  • cognac

    Hubby doesn't even go out in service, lol. When he does, I go with him, meet the group and say we are working together. Then, we go out to breakfast! lol

    No studying for the meetings either. Just shows up at them and I watch the kids out back a lot while he has some assignment to get out of having to sit there the whole time.

    Looking forward to no bs! Then, this whole thing will be even easier!!!

  • WTWizard

    The "wrong motive" excuse means that it is a complete waste of time for anyone to do God's will. Unless you are willing to do His selfish will beyond your limit and still receive the top punishment, and no reward, the motive is improper and it will not count. Which means I do not expect a damn thing from that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

    However, people will stay in if they want to maintain contact with family members or friends. In that case, it is important to do as little as possible, and in such a way as to undermine the religion if possible.

  • reniaa

    When I go back it will be for purely doctrinal reasons, They offer me a relationship with Jehovah and not a 3 headed pagan god for that I was finally persuaded.

  • cognac
    When I go back it will be for purely doctrinal reasons

    If your going back then why are you here?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    now now cognac let's not get snippy

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    We have a lot of friends like this. They are just JW's because they were raised in just like Catholics or any other religion. There isn't even any point in arguing doctrine with them because they are not in that deep anyway. However they are still plagued with guilt of not doing enough, deprived themselves of a college education etc.

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