Our Kingdom Ministry November 2008 PDF

by bronzefist 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I wonder how many Witnesses will ask "why have they changed the name of the PO?" My guess is that they're doing this in stages to perhaps try to lessen the blow. If they are indeed getting rid of the CO's position, it would probably be too much of a shock for the R&F to hear that all this at once...

    Looking at the July Service Report, I did some figuring that reveals how utterly useless the 'house to house' method of preaching is:

    In the USA, they spent about 17,794,186 hours "preaching" and for their efforts, there were only 7,507 baptised. At least half of these would be kids who were born and raised in the Troof, so only about 3,753 were actual recruits. That means that in order to get ONE lousy baptism, there was an average of 4,741 hours spent-----which is equal to 91 years if the study was 1 hour each week. Ya----I can see why they'd want to use the house to house method of preaching with figures like this.

    And what's with those slackers in Bermuda and the Turks & Caicos Islands?!! Neither the Pioneers or even the Auxillary Pioneers are making the hourly requirements......Don't the realize that they're bringing shame on Jehovah's Organization by pursuing non-spiritual goals like obtaining food, clothing and shelter, instead of getting their hours in? What's the world coming to?

  • Gayle

    C. I. Woody (Chuck) shows as President.. Is he a 'partaker' now? I don't think he was in the early 70's.

  • betweenworlds

    Thanks so much for the scan ^^

  • insearchoftruth

    I took a quick scan through this OKM and when reading the literature offerings I notice it tells folks to offer "any 192-page book printed on paper that discolors or any book published prior to 1992 with the exception of Creation, Greatest Man, Mankind's Search for God and Young People Ask."

    Why are they excluding these books and secondly, it sounds as if they are just trying to place the old books...is this a common directive??

  • yknot

    yes.... we have been getting rid of older books for sometime !

    I was just listening to the Jan 15, 2009 SE .......

    The first article is "“Come Be My Follower”, which of course was meant to prep the R&F for the starting the 2007 release of the same name.

    Now of course at least according to this Nov KM, the study book has been switched to the 2008 Keep Yourselves in Ted's Laws. It all just makes me wonder why they didn't switch the articles too?......(((( unless the bookstudy switch was improptu )))))).

    The question in my mind is why, why not wait until September to showcase the book as said at the DC?

    If they really deliberated on the change for 18 months, why not edit the bookstudy comments for Ted's Laws?

    Seems like a lot of inconsistancies happening.........at the asylum.

    Who will win?

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Could somebody please upload this Kingdom Ministry again, it has expired.


  • Prefect


    Could you please put up the download for the KM again. It seems to have time expired.


    What is the PO name changing to?


  • Wrong Way
    Wrong Way

    It was in 2008.

  • Prefect

    I did not read the title of the topic properly and did not notice the date.

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    please guys

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