Political phone calls

by drew sagan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Just got off the phone with must have been the 12th or so call this month I've gotten over this election. I live in Pennsylvania. This one was from a place called the "Judicial Conformation Network", an organization in favor of conservative judges. They warned me that liberal judges could take of the Supreme Court if Obama is elected.

    For what it's worth, the last time I checked it seems that most of the left leaning justices are the ones that are set to retire and so Obama would most likely only be able to keep things going the way they are.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    LOL I sure envy you people who live in the key swing states - receiving those campaign calls at 3 o'clock in the morning and all. Wasn't the question as to who was ready to "receive the 3 o'clock phone call" a campaign slogan? If so, you Pennsylvanians should feel quite honored to have met the challenge!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Just got another one! Two in one day, we're on a roll ;)

  • JeffT

    We used to get a lot of them. I took to telling every single one of them I was going to give $500 to the other guy's (whoever it was) campaign everytime I got a phone call. That got some nasty responses, but the calls didn't stop. I finally just got rid of the land line.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I get none...I did not put down my phone number when I registered to vote...but since my number is listed, I eventually expect one database to talk to another database and piece it together...

    No robocalls this election... since I live in Illinois, the Republicans are not even bothering..... and almost no local/state races are contested....

    they better not call me.

    Snakes ()

  • free2beme

    Politics is all about fear tactics

  • JWdaughter

    I've gotten a few, and we are not anything like a swing state. My husband was making those calls tonite. Sorry bout that!

    I wish someone could explain to me why the electoral college is a good idea. I like the idea of my vote actually counting directly.

  • JeffT

    JWdaughter, the people that wrote the Constitution were afraid of everybody: future presidents, corrupt politicians, ignorant citizens, each other and possible themselves. The electoral college was put in place to accomplish a couple of things, one was insure that a majority of the population could not quite so easily overrun a minority. One of them called it "the tyranny of the majority." The electoral college meant that a candidate would have to appeal to a broad section of the country. It was also meant to keep the people from elected some who was compltely insane.

    On a more practical note, most of them did not forsee the two party system, they thought that the president would be routinely selected by the House of Representatives.

  • JWdaughter

    Well, being that it is a long time later and they let anyone vote that can pull the lever, I see the reasoning, but not how that actually works in a practical way. For example, the rabid nationalism displayed by the republican party these days bothers me in a very visceral way, and the messianic joy that accompanies Obama disturbs me also. But as much as I like Obama as a man, the scariest part about him to ME is not that he has socialist leanings(duh)but that so many imbue him with the kind of hero worship I haven't seen since N. Korean rallies-or Hitler. NOT that Obama is evil, but that he will be given a pass for a LOT because of this enthusiasm. And with that he has too much power beyond a Senate and House loaded in his favor too-which is bad enough, even if I want the man to be my president. Is that bothering anyone but me?

    I think power is like eggs. Carrying too much leaves a danger of massive breakage.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Just got another one from good ol' Johnny McCain.

    Yesterday I learned about the Supreme Court and William Ayers, today it was Rezko. What will it be tomarrow? I can't wait...

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