Aug 15th WT - Pg7 par3 - it's right there in plain sight

by passwordprotected 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea
    re. the flip flop on organ transplants. On whose hands is the blood on.

    Did you get an answer?

    This was a big one for me as well, given that we had a lovely sister in our hall who had a kidney transplant and really thrived after many years of dialysis etc

    It makes the death-dealing nature of these flip flops real when you see 1st hand people that could have been dead - and based on what?

  • passwordprotected

    They admitted the blood was on the hands of those who wrote the articles. A local elder was asked the same question and he replied that he'd have to think about it.


    They aren't ready to wake up. I started watching The Matrix again the other night and the similarities to being in the cult are scarier than anything you'll see on Halloween.

    It was a shock to realize how easy it was for me to look right past what was there all the time.

  • civicsi00

    You also have to remember that that scripture is repeated in almost every piece of literature they produce nowadays (especially the Study articles). They (the WT) repeat that scripture enough times that it's become implanted in their brains to not think about anything outside their box.

  • booby

    Yes indeed! the faithful and discreet slave appreciate. I noticed that right off when reviewing Blondie's coverage of that article, and my first thought was, no they did not print (just say) that. First off the majority of their faithful slave are or should be old enough that they can't remember their own names, let alone be appreciative of the older ones that the article refers to. The idea that their faithful slave (a group spread throughout the earth, not a centralized group making any kind of an organized comment) is appreciative of anything other than their own privileged association with God is ludicrous to the nth degree. They seem to be struggling (the writers of this drivel) whether they should say GB, faithful slave, organization, the society, blah, blah or what. And of course these statements are all biased by their beliefs.

  • sir82
    They admitted the blood was on the hands of those who wrote the articles.

    Yes, and on the hands of those who reviewed the article and made no change, on the hands of those who produced the magazines containing the article, on the hands of those who taught this to others....i.e., the Society.

  • Dagney
    As David Reed says, more JWs have died because of the blood doctrine than the number of people killed in the Jonestown Massacre. It's just that these deaths are not in one place, at one time.

    Question...does anybody know or have some documentation of what that number might be? Very curious.

  • BluesBrother
    I was told the following: "Even if the Society is wrong about blood, you will have remained faithful to Jehovah if you follow the Society. If you or one of your family members die, you will get a resurrection."

    I do not know who actually said this, but it is a comment that could have come from almost all of the elders serving today. Think about it though, If the Society were wrong about that important issue, then they woud not have been teaching God's view on the matter. Therefore, to follow them would put you in opposition to God, if they were wrong...Do you get my drift?

  • passwordprotected

    @bluesbrother - you're absolutely right.

  • The Missus
    The Missus

    This also goes to prove that as a JW, you are following a group of men instead of God. If you had received an organ transplant back in the day when it was taboo, you would have been df'd. But when they decided it was now OK to get transplants, you think that you would be reinstated, right? WRONG! You are still df'd because you were not obedient to the organization of men regardless if they were wrong or right.

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