I am soooo tired of seeing his name here!...it just looks too much like mine. As much as i think he is pathetically inexperienced...like palin......i kinda hope he could fix healthcare. my little biz is now going to have to pay 79k this year for healthcare for just 16 employees and their family......and that is only with us paying 60 percent of the premium....and for 5 straight years we have had to raise our deductable........this sucks...for 15 years i was so proud to pay 100 percent of the insurance benefit, but now i cant.......it is depressing.......i am a small business, and really can not afford the 79k i have to contribute this year (tears in my eyes dammit).....the oldest employee i have is only 50 years old.......and when that happend our rates went to hell even faster....one kid.....only 11 years old is 179 bucks a month!!!!............dammmmitall.................oompa
obama...oompa....all he lacks is a p basically....and insurance issues
by oompa 13 Replies latest jw friends
Shoot the Old Person and your Rates will go Down..
Is this a serious post?
I can never tell with you, oompa.
shamas....come on...you should be able to tell....this is REAL...totally SERIOUS....and ya...tears in my eyes!!!!.....dammit.............oompa
What can you do? Remember to look after yourself first, and everyone else second. If we all took on everyone's problems, we'd all have heart problems.
You've done what you can. Try not to beat yourself up over it.
I know shamas.....and thank you....but it just sucks.....my right hand in this biz has been with me for 24 years.....and most of my great staff have 8 to 16 years....and it just sucks.........oomps............and thanks again
Oompa..If you stopped Drinking..
When I first saw the name of this thread i thought obama and Oompa was joining forces. I was thinking to myself now thats a ticket that would have the country reeling for centuries to come. The double O's in complete control.
I was just visualizing in my mind Oompa getting up on the stage and telling everyone how his former religion helped him to become a better man by showing him how not to treat others.(heehee)
StoneWall (of the will be glad when this election is over class) -
if you un-privatize healthcare we will all pay 50% of our wages to taxes.
I say shooot the lawyers and beat the shit of the juries giving out mega millions in medical lawsuits.
doctors malpractice insurance is going sky high, and the doctors sure have a right to make more than you and me for 12+ years of university.
Can you shop your plan? I can see you take a lot of pride being able to provide excellent coverage for your employees.
We had a similar situation, being able to provide the best plan, with zero hospital and $10 office copay. As rates went up I could no longer offer it. So Blue Shield came back with a nice offering of plans from a $5 co pay HMO or a PPO to a $25 copay. We will pay a certain percentage and people can buy up or down according to their needs.
Sorry for the troubles. Hope it works out.