That's probaly what I need, a trip home.
so what makes you cry?...too much wetface for me tonight...
by oompa 46 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
I'll treat you like Queens. Oh that goes for you too John.
Ooh, I've always wanted to be treated like a queen. lol
I read your poem... it speaks of perspective and degrees.. if we truly come to understand we will
put up with the small seemly highly irritating things in our lives.. there are children that problems
and nightmares in real life for which we can only imagine. In reflection of such things we should feel
appreciation for all we have ... to share in pain though unseen we have an ever growing sense of calm
to love.. to feel .. but what is more" to shed a river of tears" for those sweet innocent souls who suffer so !
Understanding and comprehension of these things should flood ones heart with" tears of compassion."
To reach those we can reach with an open hand of mercy and deep compassion ! AMEN
But remember too those who suffer because they do not suffer ...therefore do not understand !
Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little( Buddha)
" The most Nobel tears are for which we shed for others " ~~~~ CaliberCaliber
The thing that makes me cry the most is when my wife is cutting fresh onions out of the garden in the kitchen.
Take a few of those freshly prepared onions and then add them and some garlic bulbs cut in quarters into a pot of angel hair spaghetti, throw some garlic-cheese bread in the oven and presto a meal to shed tears of joy and delight over.
add a few brewski's on the table as garnishments at the beginning, then give thanks for the brewski's and proceed to wash down the tear inspiring meal with said brew's.
yours truly,
teary eyed StoneWall -
There is a couple who are expecting their second child in two weeks. This is a YouTube video about their first child. Definitely made me cry:
Josie, I go by my old home about once every three months. My parents sold the family farm to my sister for a song and she promptly sold it to a man named Jim for full market value. Those good JW morals. That was 13 years ago. Anyway, I still consider that farm "home." Jim has been good enough to let me go inside every now and again and go sit in my old bedroom! Can you believe that?
Anyway, I sometimes just need to drive by and take a look at the place. Then I go into the nearby town and have a Depot Burger or a peanut butter milkshake, just like I used to. It's the closest I get to going home.
I certainly understand that need to go home. Hope you get to go home soon.
Even trying to hold my composure with all my might I would have to admit when I see the Disney movie Ole Yeller I will get up and go to the restroom when they have to shoot that dog after all it had been thru.
But by far the saddest thing I've seen that brought immediate tears to my eyes was when i saw the news report on TV about the Iraqi boy who found his fathers body which had been decapitated. He was very young..if I remember right around 7 or 8 years old. What he seen that day no person EVER should have to witness or be exposed to. He went into shock and withdrew into himself. The report went on to show how he would just sit there almost emotionless, like a empty shell of a former person.
He would no longer play with the other school children, wouldn't talk or express himself. He barely eat and would just gaze into the distance with tears in his eyes.
Sometimes when life for me gets really bad I sometimes think of him and realize it could be much worse. I would have to say if there was one person I could wrap my arms around and hug and try to console it would be him. To this day I can't get that image of him out of my mind. I would like to be able to say to him, son the people that did that to your dad were truly wicked, evil people which I have a hard time even calling people. But please know that we aren't all like that and don't give up on humanity because of crazies like them.
That there is still some good people left on this world that woulda tried to stop them even at the risk of their own lives.
I will stop right there because as I related this story tears have already formed in my eyes once again. It kinda did feel therapeutic to write it down and see what really bothers me in black and white. Just wish I was able to help him some way since his dad not there.
StoneWall -
"The purest form of sorrow & tears is never defeated but rather abounds with
& overflows with celestial powers of faith, hope and love ! " ~Caliber
" The purest tears are the only keys that unlock the gateway to the heart's full spectrum compassion "
~~ Caliber
Hugs to everybody.
Peace is on the way.
I certainly understand that need to go home. Hope you get to go home soon.
Thank you Serena.
How close are you to Dayton? My hubby's family is there.