It took me several years to go into a church, but it was not because I was afraid to it was just not the right thing for me at that time and then over three years ago, I had this overpower feeling to go over to the Anglican Church just across the street from me at the time. It literally felt as if someone was pushing me into the door. As I entered a lady priest approached me and asked if she could help me. Too which I reply, Yes I think You can. So she took me into the knave up towards the altar area. and we sat down and talked and of course she asked me what first brought to the Anglican Chruch. I told that I was an Anglican that I was raised in my earlier years up until nearly as 13 I would go with my grandma and I was to be confirmed but things changed big time.. And then I said my parents who were never church goers all of a sudden got religion. I didn't say what religion though.
I said I feel as if God has been calling me to come here for some time and for a long time I have been ignoring and yet today I was compelled to come. I can't explain it all I know is that this is where God wants me to be so here I am. Well she then Welcome to St. Paul's. We instantly connected. Her name was Rev'd Ruth and Paster April, the three of use were like sticky tape. We had wonderful discusions. I got baptized in the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. on September 24th, 06. It was the best step in my life. I know knew what that actually meant. I was 17 when I was baptized. I think I had an idea of what baptizm was about but I still say it was too young..I mean Jesus was 30 a full grown man who spent his life learning and studing the word of God and was prepared maturely at that age to give his life for mankinds salvation. The GB expects kids to get baptized and early and so when these kids are in their teens or twenties they w on't think the same way. their hormones won't be the same their thinking capcity will be different so why on earth do they push kids to baptizim and then the first timet they get in trouble they get disfellowshipped and then their lives are cut off from the family. Yep the gggreat organization that WTS GB.
Sorry got off track, I know now why God was pushing me into that church because he wanted me there I don't know the greater purpuse but I know there is a reason, I have just been made editor and chief of the churces newsletter and a lay reader. So this is postive to me. I have made wonderful friends. I get invited out for meals. Anglicans eat too much.We seem to alway be eating either at church or someones home or at a resturant for a function or fundraiser. WE had a great garage sale and made 1600 dollars for the church and on Nov. 8th we are having our biggest fundraider the Mistletoe fair our Christmas Bazaar. We generally bring in to the church 6-8 thousand dollars. It is known to be the best bazaar from far and wide.
There is wonderful fellowship, there is activities for young children at sunday school and choir, fundraisers, outreach programs to help around our own town and around the world. All and All I say I am a pretty happy camper now and even though Rev'd Ruth and Pastor April are gone from our parish our new Father Gordon Shepperd is fantastic, humble man who loves people and loves good food and has fun and laughs and justs knows how to teach the word of God so well and if I was not disabled I would run after him and plough him down as he is my kind of man. Devoted to God and our parish.
love ya