Do Jehovah's Witnesses Break Up Marriages?"If one partner chnages his or her religion, the marriage will break up." So goes the claim of many people. At times this warning is delivered to a marriage partner who chooses to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. But is this assertion always true?
Understandably, when a married person starts to take an interest in religion or to change long-held religious views, it can come to a shock to the mate. It may cause feelings of anxiety, disappointment, and even resentment.
It is often the wife who first feels the need to change her religion. If your wife is studying the Bible withe Jehovah's Witnesses, how might this affect your marriage? If you are a wife who is associating with Jehovah's Witnesses, whoat can you do to ease any anxiety your mate may have?
A Husband's Perspective
Mark, who lives in Australia, had been married for 12 years when his wife began to study the Bible with the Jehovah's Witnesses. "I was happily married and had a satisfying career", says Mark. "Life was good. Then my wife decided to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. I suddenly felt that my lifestyle was threatened. At first, I was unsettled by my wife's newfound interest in the Bible, but when she told me she had decided to be baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I became seriously concerned."
Mark began to wonder if his marriage would end because of his wife's new faith. He thought about stopping her Bible study and forbidding her to have any contact with the Witnesses. Instead of reacting impulsively, though, Mark allowed some time to pass. What happened to his marriage?
"Happily," says Mark, "ouir marriage is even stronger now than it was before. It has continued to improve since my wife was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses 15 years ago." What helped the marriage to succeed? "Thinking back," says Mark, "it was largely because my wife applied the good advice found in the Bible. She has always tried to treat me with respect."
Advice from Successful Wives
If you are a wife who is associating with Jehovah's Witnesses, what can you do and say to help ease any anxiety your mate may experience? Consider the comments of these women from various parts of the world.
Sakiko, Japan: "I have been married for 31 years and have three children. I have been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for the last 22 years. Living with a husband who does not share my beliefs is sometimes a challenge. But I work hard to apply the Bible's counsel to be 'swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath.' (James 1:19) I try to be kind to my husband and to yield to his wishes when they do not conflict with Bible principles. This has helped our marriage succeed."
Nadezhda, Russia: I have been married for 28 years and been a baptized Witness for the last 16 years. Before studying the Bible, I didn't think that my husband ought to be the head of the family. I liked to make many decisions on my own. However, I gradually found that applying Bible principles contributed to the peace and happiness of our family. (1 Corinthians 11:3) Slowly it became easier for me to be submissive, and my husband has noticed these changes in me."
Marli, Brazil: "I have two children and have been married for 21 years. Sixteen years ago, I became a baptized Witness. I learned that Jehovah God desires married couples to stay together, not to separate. So I try to be a good wife, to speak and act in a way that makes Jehovah and my husband happy."
Larisa, Russia: "When I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses about 19 years ago, I realized that the most important thing for me was to make changes in my life. My husband has seen the way the Bible has influenced me for good - that it has helped me to appreciate him more. Initially we would have disagreements regarding child training, but we have resolved these differences. My husband allows our children to come with me to the religious meetings I attend because he appreciates that they are being taught only what is beneficial for them."
Valquiria, Brazil: " I have one child and have been married 19 years. Thirteen years ago, I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. At first my husband didn't want me to engage in the public preaching work. But I learned to reply to his concerns in a mild manner and to help him see that the Bible was having a positive influence on my personality. My husband gradually understood how important it is to me to engage in the preaching work. Today, he gives me full support in my spiritual activities. When I conduct Bible studies in outlying rural areas, he even drives me there in his car and patiently waits outside until I am finished."
A Force for Good
If your spouse is associating with Jehovah's Witnesses, do not fear that this will break up your marriage. As many husbands and wifes in all the parts of the world have found, the Bible is a force for good in a marriage.
One husband who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses honestly admitted: "I initially felt some anguish when my wife embraced the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I now feel the gain was worth the pain." Another had this to say about his wife: "My wife's faithfulness, determination, and integrity have caused me to have great admiration for Jehovah's Witnesses. Our marriage has benefited greatly as a result of her religious beliefs. We have made great allowances for each other and have treated our marriage as a lifelong partnership."
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Break Up Marriages? WT 11/01/08 pgs 11-12
by insearchoftruth 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
How can a woman read this and have any desire to become a JW at all....
not make decisions on my own....
barf is right!
What a steaming pile of crap.
I notice they don't even touch the opposite scenario - JW man, non-JW woman. My JW wouldn't dare show me such a load of garbage as this. It looks to me like it's meant to soothe non-JW men who are losing their wives to the WTS by telling them hey don't complain and don't worry about it, because you'll get a submissive wife out of the deal. *barf* indeed -
It looks to me like it's meant to soothe non-JW men who are losing their wives to the WTS by telling them hey don't complain and don't worry about it, because you'll get a submissive wife out of the deal. *barf* indeed
My feelings precisely, my wife is studying now and I am sure that is the intent of this article, see what a wonderful wife a witness makes......well I guess is you want a mindless drone who is never home........
If you are a wife who is associating with Jehovah's Witnesses, what can you do and say to help ease any anxiety your mate may experience? Consider the comments of these women from various parts of the world.
Sakido, Japan: I always tell my husband how much I love sex with him, and how big his manhood is. I have greatly improved the quality and frequency of giving him oral sex. He is very happy now.
Becky, USA: I usually wait until the weekend, then tell him how much I would love to watch some of his porn. After awhile, I let him know my backdoor is available, something I did not do before I was a JW. It makes him very happy, and he never complains now about me going to the meetings.
................just oompa........and ya......barf......funny how this articicle can apply to me who change or lose their jw faith
Jehovah`s Witness`s break up marriages all the time..Another BullSh*t article by the WBT$........................
quite a different spin in the kool aid article to be studied in November from the September 15, 2008 private edition...
It's been a long time since I've read such a crock of bullshit. Doesn't the WTS now print the magazines on that loony farm in New York? Maybe that would account for all of the manure in their articles, especially this one. I think the reason they dismissed half of Bethel was that they couldn't find enough rubber boots for everyone as they daily walked through horseshit.
Women are not property to be treated like slaves. I've seen my share of that. If you JW lunatics are reading this, go to hell. You told my wife that she could leave me and take my only child because I questioned their pedophile policies. Yes, I can certainly see how that is submissive and was no threat to my marriage.
She moved out exactly 7 years ago yesterday, on Mischief Night. How appropriate. She couldn't have picked a better date unless it was our wedding anniversary. It would have been 31 years this December. What a "wonderful provision from Jehovah"!! I'm SO grateful. PUKE!!!!
Thomas Poole
Two toads were married and along came a frog with frog croakings. The frog decided his croakings were just what two toads needed. The toads gave the frog their hearts and minds. With goggle-eyed thankfulness the toads eventually wanted to be like the frog. So the toads left their tree and went to live in the frog pond.
The toads eventually had little toads which eventually were eaten by the snakes in the pond. So the toads decided they no longer wanted pond-life, but before they could leave, the snakes ate them too. The frog that croaked kept croaking for all to come to the pond. Eventually the frog was eaten also. The snakes are now fat and happy.
damm....did nobody like my humor on this???.......i actually just want to have oompa listed as all the latest posts on the page....only done it once before