In memory of Charles Taze Russell who died 92 years ago.

by AndersonsInfo 50 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I never heard about this odd combination of sister-wife-brother-son-in law arrangement. This is a first but then nothing surprises me nowadays

  • AndersonsInfo

    I agree with you, "choosing life," Russell’s life does matter. The major reason I have spent literally thousands of hours researching the history of both of the Russells in the past eight years is because the religious teachings of these people unduly influenced the direction of my life. And not only mine but the lives of tens of millions of people during the past 130 years. If C. T. Russell and his wife, Maria, had never been born, I would not be the person I am today. My life experiences would have been totally different and so would yours. That's why it has been important to me to know as much as I possibly can find about these highly criticized and also passionately defended people without the power of WT leaders’ revisionist words.

    Why, just the other day, I was looking at some documentation in a file when I glanced at the date Joseph L. Russell (the father of Charles Taze), was born, and realized that the 200th anniversary of his birth will be in five years. This man’s money, beliefs and encouragement drove his son's activity and passion to become the spokesman between God and mankind in his day. When I thought about this Scotch-Irish clothing store owner and junk yard dealer, born so long ago, whose marriage to Ann Eliza Birney produced a son whose interpretations of the Bible shaped my life, it was a bit disconcerting. I don’t mean to sound demeaning of the man, but all of us, in one way or the other, are harvesting heartrending results because of accepting a code of belief which we didn't know was hatched by 19th-century 2nd Adventists and also by John Nelson Darby, co-founder of Plymouth Brethren who are, generally, dispensational, pre-tribulational, pre-millennial and cessational in their theology, which Charles Taze Russell and his cohort in religious exegeses, Maria Ackley Russell, using the Watch Tower Corporation they founded, expanded upon.

    Interestingly, there are just too many former Witnesses (disfellowshipped or faders) who still continue to believe JWs have the true religion or that some of the beliefs are true. In speaking with them over the years, I have found they are consumed by guilt and worry because they cannot live up to God’s requirements as taught by Watch Tower so they believe they are going to die at the hands of God. Of course, this is a very unhealthy way to live. Hopefully, seeing documentation that proves Russells were in no way specially used by God will release their minds and heart from the hold that this organization exerts upon them in so many ways. That’s part of why I do what I do. Also, the research is just soooo fascinating.


  • dgp

    Marked for later.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    So even Maria's non-Witness, non-Bible Student descendants, over 60 years after she died, are shunned by JWs.

    Picks up jaw from the ground.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Russell was a human being with the frailties that come from being human.

    You could take my life, after my death, of course, and say whatever you wanted.

    Take my words out of context........whatever..... and I would not be around to defend myself.

    It's easy to beat a dead man.

    Judge Dread

  • designs

    My maternal grandparents were original Bible Students, then went with Rutherford's group. I agree Barbara, how different my life would have been if someone along the way had sat up and smelled the coffee

    Well as our existentalist mentors say- now is the time to live, embrace the moment fully

  • Evidently Apostate
    Evidently Apostate

    i just stumbled on this, i always thought russell was a sincere albeit misguided person. this is an eyeopener and a must read for new members(like myself). i suppose his chauvanistic views were common for the day . from some of this you can see the org still uses his arrogance regarding their view of women.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I just saw this and could not stop reading it. It is so eye opening.

    Thanks so much Barbara for all your very hard work. We would not be where we are with the knowledge if not for you, the more I know the more I am so amazed and hurt that I was mislead like I was.

    You are so amazing and I am so glad to know you.


  • Hoffnung

    Every time I read something from Barbara, my thoughts are summarized in 3 letters: WOW!!! Every single time. Please do not give up. You are continuously helping people to get on with their life. Your Watchtowerdocuments website is awesome.

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