Milton Henschel and the UN helicopter trip

by bj 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Hmm, pity Milton wasn't sat in Yasser Arafats 'copter last night....

    Golly, ain't I wicked?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • anewperson

    Below is the German material which tells the story of Henschel having a UN diplomatic pass. It is found on This is under the Hearsay/Geruechte section over on the far left. About 2 years ago and since then some of have mentioned this posting which is courtesy of webmaster Stephan Wolf who is highly reputable. At no time have I alluded to Henschel being in a helicopter of the UN. Coicindentally though I have heard that there is a picture and maybe more than one of Watchtower persons (missionaries? or officials?) boarding UN aircraft. Perhaps you heard a similar rumor? The thing to do would be to talk to former zone and missionary workers to see if they know anything of it. Here's what Stephan's website said, and by the way Mad, I am rightly proud that we, Jah Christians in the Free Christians movement, brought the first inklings of this story out a couple years ahead of you. It took long enough:

    Milton G. Henschel reist mit Un-Diplomatenpass

    Wie uns von mehreren Kontaktpersonen mitgeteilt wurde, besitzt Milton G. Henschel, Präsident der Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, nicht etwa einen normalen Reisepass wie du und ich, sondern reist mit einem Diplomatenpass der Vereinten Nationen. Diese Erfahrung soll zumindest ein Zeuge Jehovas gemacht haben, der auf dem Kongress 1998 in München als Ordner diente und dafür sorgen sollte, dass keine unerwünschten Personen in den Bereich hinter der Bühne gelangen. Er berichtete, dass er eine Person angehalten habe, die er nicht persönlich kannte, und sie weisungsgemäß bat, sich auszuweisen. Zu seiner Überraschung zog der Betreffende einen Un-Pas heraus und gab sich damit als der Präsident höchstpersönlich zu erkennen.

    Diese Begebenheit ist schon allein aus dem Grund von Bedeutung, weil die WTG nicht müde wird, die Vereinten Nationen als einen Teil von Satans System zu bezeichnen und mit "dem Bildnis des wilden Tieres" aus Offenbarung zu vergleichen.

    Dazu kommt, dass es rund um die WTG immer wieder Nachrichten gibt, die sich mit einer Religionsgemeinschaft, die nach eigenen Angaben "kein Teil dieser Welt" ist, absolut nicht in Einklang steht. Zum Beispiel war die WTG 1997 Teil einer Abordnung von US-Firmen, die in die Volksrepublik China reisten, um sich dort unter dem recht fadenscheinigen Stichwort "Umweltschutz" als weltweites religiöses Verlagsimperium einzuführen (siehe Rubrik INTERNATIONAL). Auch die immer deutlicher erkennbare gemeinsame Auftritt mit anderen Sekten lässt erkennen, dass die WTG offensichtlich nicht das ist, was sie nach außen zu sein scheint.

    Misstrauisch machen auch die Berichte ehemaliger Sonderpioniere, die zur Zeit des kalten Krieges als Touristen getarnt zu konspirativen Treffs nach Russland reisten, angeblich um Bibeln zu schmuggeln. Auch wird davon berichtet, dass die WTG in Deutschland von den Amerikanern schon kurz nach Kriegsende in Wiesbaden einen Teil einer Kaserne zur Verfügung gestellt bekamen und über eine direkte Telefonverbindung zum amerikanischen Hauptquartier verfügten. Vergünstigungen, die ganz bestimmt nicht ohne Gegenleistung zugestanden wurden.

  • MadApostate
    Coicindentally though I have heard that there is a picture and maybe more than one of Watchtower persons (missionaries? or officials?) boarding UN aircraft. Perhaps you heard a similar rumor? The thing to do would be to talk to former zone and missionary workers to see if they know anything of it.

    The fact that AIDAFRIQUE officials are documented in the French WTS's own website to have flown in UNHCR airplanes has nothing to do with your assertion regarding Henschel.

    ... courtesy of webmaster Stephan Wolf who is highly reputable.
    Wolf has evidently improved his website, but at the time he first published this "UN Visa" allegation back in 1998, which is based on nothing but unsubstantiated rumor,
    Wolf was known to publish anything remotely negative about the WTS, true or not. the way Mad, I am rightly proud that we, Jah Christians in the Free Christians movement, brought the first inklings of this story out a couple years ahead of you. It took long enough:
    There's only one thing worse than being stupidly ignorant, and that is being proud of being so.

    Are you "typical" of JahChristians, or are you the only one?

    You have no worries about being ahead of me on HORSESHIT like this. Be my guest to take all the credit you want for being an idiot!

  • anewperson

    Mad, you are profane as that proves. Stephan has always been highly reputable in material. Always. The German begins by says that MANY CONTACT PERSONS had already confirmed the account.

    You mention that the Watchtower Society's AIDAFRIQUE officials are documented in the French WTS's own website to have flown in UNHCR airplanes.

    That probably does form the basis for the flurry of rumors about WTS officials using UN aircraft, although an an official Non-Government Organization for 10 years 1991-October 2001 WTS personnell would also have been given flight and diplomatic pass status.

    There are about 1,000 exJWs getting Free Christians Newsletters directly sent to them. Nor am I the only person on this board who enjoys the material and who is happy this story was first brought out by Troy Brown and the staff.

    Who haven't missed a beat to punch at me since I pointed out the degree to which Judah K Schroeder (son of Albert Schroeder of the Governing Body) involved the WTS in politics.

    Everytime you do so you simply give me the opportunity to repeat it, compounding your anguish. Logic is better than emotional profanity.

  • MadApostate


    Mad, you are profane ...
    Not quite. Profane means to treat something which is "sacred" with contempt or disregard.

    Your HORSESHIT about Henschel carrying some sort of UN "visa, pass, passport, etc." (as your verbiage changes from post to post)
    is FAR from being "sacred".

    There are about 1,000 exJWs getting Free Christians Newsletters directly sent to them. Nor am I the only person on this board who enjoys the material and who is happy this story was first brought out by Troy Brown and the staff.
    You are worse than the WTS in presenting "numbers" to the public, in that you consider every one on your spamlist to be a JahChristian. At least the WTS counts non-JWs who attend the Memorial.

    Who haven't missed a beat to punch at me since I pointed out the degree to which Judah K Schroeder (son of Albert Schroeder of the Governing Body) involved the WTS in politics.

    Everytime you do so you simply give me the opportunity to repeat it, compounding your anguish. Logic is better than emotional profanity.

    WRONG AGAIN, as usual.

    First, you give yourself too much credit. I don't even recall exactly what it was you were accusing JBS of?

    Second, it wasn't me who disputed whatever it was you were farting. My recollection was that Maximus, E.H., and possibly some others in that circle who disputed your assertions. I only stirred the mess.

    What else can you be wrong about today?

  • hawkaw

    Gee .... This is sure getting out of control.

    Anyway I think both A and MA are okay people ... maybe Anewperson you can gather a few more facts that may help MA.

    Anew you did bring up the association with DPI since 1992. Thus, one thing I will mention is that "associate" NGOs do not get any privilages from DPI other than those mentioned in the DPI brochure. There also has been no proof of money or airline ticket exchanges between the UN's DPI and the WTS. Mr. Hoeffel and his sidekick's Oleg and Isolda at DPI all told me that over the telephone. If there was a hint of that connection I would have been on that issue like a tick on a hound.

    There is always the possibility of the WTS using their (former - hehehehe) "associate" status with DPI but I am not aware of it yet.

    One final thing as a matter of clearly understanding the terminology - before 1992 and after October 11, 2001 the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. of New York continues to be a non-governmental organization. However, since October 11, 2001 the WTS has lost its "association" status (hehehehehe) with the UN's DPI.


  • anewperson

    So the WTS is still an NGO of the UN but not a DPI associate of the UN? None of this says that Stephan's posting is incorrect. Even without the WTS having had an official liason a high up UN official such as Kofianan could have given Henschel the diplomatic pass.

    Mad, the nearly 1000 recipients voluntarily get the emails having the option to click unsubscribe any second, so your saying "spamming" is false. You say your expletives are not profane but they certainly are potty-mouthed.

    I will propose that the main Free Christians Newsletter staff query readers if any who are former missionaries and zone overseers can shed any light on this subject.

  • hawkaw

    No anewperson, you got it a little wrong. I may suggest that you take a little UN reading lesson. A lot of folks get it wrong and if they have it wrong the Watchtower representative will chew you up and spit you out.

    Non-governmental organizations are not for profit organizations that run separately from all governments including the United Nations.

    They are like any corporation. What makes them unique is that they are set up as not for profit and supposedly designed to help people out. Sometimes they help out politically too. I guess the Red Cross or National Organization for Women (NOW) are similar. There are thousnads of such organizations (corporations) in the world.

    So as you can see a non-governmental organization (NGO) is just a fancy name for a not-for-profit corporation that is designed to help people.

    Now when it comes to the United Nations, some of these corporations that are already existing NGOs may want to "partner" with the UN to help people through out the world.

    There are many ways that NGOs "partner" with the UN. One way is they get a "consultative" status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN. This allows an NGO to participate and present reports to the UN's committee and allowed to do other things. ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31 outlines the criteria that a NGO must adhere to remain in a "consultative" status.

    Another way (which is what the Watchtower did) is that existing NGOs get an "associate" status with the Department of Public Information (DPI) of the UN. As an "associate", NGOs get some perks as described in the brochure but they are required to do certain things as oultined in the criteria (support ideal of UN Charter and promote the UN thru literature). Resolutions 1226 & 1297 in 1968 and Resolution 31 in 1996 by ECOSOC outline the criteria required by DPI.

    If an NGO quits the UN partnership (or gets kicked out), they are still an NGO but they do not have any status (such as "consultative" or "associate") with the different UN organizations and loose their perks such as attending UN meetings and conferences.

    Get reading anewperson. You need to know this stuff before you make any publications on the issue.


  • anewperson

    The WTS earns condemnation not because it was an NGO associated with the UN but because it did so even while calling the UN ungodly. That is the raw fact.

    You assume that now that it is not officially associated with the UN there are no perks its officials or advocate are still getting. That may or may not be so. There is a possibility that unofficially WTS persons may still be benefitting from the previous contacts.

    Maybe not so through the DPI staff with whom you have consulted but via their old-boy network which grew over the 10 year period when they did have the offical association with the UN.

    But again, regardless of if they are still getting benefits such as access and a speaking platform on UN Human Rights Commissions hearings and the like, they for a fact did get those even while denouncing the UN!

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