Mary: I guess it all comes down to how you view mind control - I had a view that it was something needing to be purposefully and intently planned and executed, you view it as something that can happen passively without specific motive (as apposed to "implied motive"). The way you are viewing it then, I don't argue. But I do not believe they are having planning sessions to discuss the best way to implement mind control over the populous - like a country would implement a propaganda agenda (ie).
I'm sure none of them use the phrase "mind control" but the bottom line is, the WTS has, over the years, sought to gain control over the rank and file's lives through various means. How often do you hear or read in their literature how bad "independent thinking" is? The Society has a terrible track record when it comes to either interpreting the scriptures or prophecy. When it becomes obvious that they've been dead wrong, they seek to minimize the damage by either blaming the rank and file for 'reading too much in to' what they said, or claim 'new light'. Good example is the whole 607 BCE date. When it was brought to Freddie Franz' attention that there was no historical, biblical or archaeological evidence for this date, he was extremely agitated as he realized how damaging this would be for the whole structure of the religion. Rather than admit they were wrong and change the date to 586 BCE, the Governing Body instead continued to teach something that they knew full well was a lie, for no other reason than to keep control over millions of lives. Or, their insane ban on blood transfusions. I'm sure they realize that there is no scriptural reason for this ban, yet they keep it in place because they know full well that if they make it a "conscience matter", that they'll have their asses sued for all the people who died in the past, believing they were 'doing the Will of God", when in actuality, they were doing the Will of Man. That my friend, is mind control, whether you want to admit it or not.