Fake pictures in the WT

by bite me 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bite me
    bite me

    Hi All. Awhile back someone posted a link of a video (youtube) showing the false pictures in WT magazines. Well, I saw the Dec edition and there we find the infamous picture of the little girl looking so sad holding a picture of her family. Had I not seen the youtube video of the people coaching the girl to look her saddest I would have never known. Does any one know of any other pics out there that are like that? Would showing these pics and the youtube vidoe(s) help JW's see that it's false or would that be a step that should not be done? If it should be taken, how should one approach it?

  • VM44

    I want to see the Youtube video of the girl being coached to be sad...do you have the link to it?

  • VM44

    Fake pictures for a Fake Religion!

  • bite me
    bite me

    it was a long time ago, but I will start searching. I forgot who had it. You've seen it right, so you know what I mean? Its the same picture used in the dec issue.

  • sir82
    Would showing these pics and the youtube vidoe(s) help JW's see that it's false or would that be a step that should not be done? If it should be taken, how should one approach it?

    JWs are as a rule pretty dumb, but even so, I'm fairly certain most of them realize the photos in the mags are staged with Bethel or "good JW" models. Only the brain-deadest would think that the photos are "real life".

    Or am I missing your point?

  • Leolaia

    Oh I remember that video. It was done by +. Maybe check through his thread history, the link should be there.

  • hamsterbait

    Using that criticism, we should be binning every magazine and paper that shows any pictures of anything other than actual people being raped murdered or pillaged. Or genuinely happy people - but then it would prolly be an excuse for mirth for those living in a chaotic evil world filled with hatred and madness.

    Why not suggest switching off the TV during commercials because the lifestyles and skin/fashion are fake.

    Would you rather see a picture of a little boy or girl red eyed and weepy because just moments earlier they had ACTUALLY been molested????

    For visually motivated people a picture can be a very evocative tool for understanding.

    I think there are a thousand (??!!) other genuine things we can criticize a magazine for - this is not one of them.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I don't think anyone expected any of the pictures in the mags to be real.

  • Caedes

    DO you mean to tell me that the guy in the...err... film I watched the other day wasn't there to fix the photocopier?! Good grief is nothing sacred?

  • BluesBrother

    This must be the pic (scanned in b & w , because my scanner is rubbish in colour) - In the December Awake.


    When it first appeared, it took my eye since it seemed to one of their own, I even wondered if they had had to upset her to get the shot (shame, I know) ...I was at a K H (doing my husbandly duty one day) and they showed a W T film. It was about themselves and showed this pic being taken against a plain backround . The photographer was coaching the girl, saying something like "Now, I want you to look REALLY sad" , and the girl turned on the face.

    So it was from the WT themselves that the disclosure came. I am glad the kid was only acting...Arn't you? Would you rather that they made someone unhappy? Guess what , the pictures of the New World are not real either...


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