Has there been any members of the GB that were'nt white American, white German or white Australian???
Listen up people!
by wozadummy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Currently there is only one. I can't think of his name right now.
Wow there is actually one out of all the billions on this planet! Thanks for that ,seems they have been following the Arian way for a long time that says alot about the religion ,why would God prefer white skinned people over all others?
Mrs. Jones, it is Samuel Herd.
wha happened?
Didn't the soul man pass away.
This feature of the GB always bothered me. the 144K are supposed to represent all of mankind so they could properly judge and yet non of the 144K are qualified to be a GB member unless u were a cracker. No blacks browns yellow or red.
So much for perfect justice -
I plan to be the first East Indian member of the GB within 5 years. First step is to get my mike handling privliges back.
Black Sheep
William Lloyd Barry
White New Zealander
No hispanics yet. Amazingly white group of men in a basically brown, female organization.
wha happened?
So u can be a woman and be annointed. in the future u will be judging but on earth u can't