This morning while moving some papers off my desk a paper fell to the floor and I immediately recognised it as being the leaflet that the Obama campaign workers had left with me when they had called on my door. Both of the gentlemen had been very nice and we had what I would consider a nice conversation.
Getting back to the leaflet, it was titled Voting Questions & Answers and as it lay on the floor of my office at home my eyes caught site of this question. HOW DO I MAKE SURE TO VOTE FOR OBAMA-BIDEN?
It was in bold and all capitalized as in my example here.
I don't know if it was the early morning hours or just a lack of proper rest but when I glanced at it, it looked like it said OSAMA-BIN LADEN.
I had to do a double take and then a triple take. I really wish they hadn't put it like that on that leaflet. Even if they put a slash / I think woulda been better than a dash seperating the names.
oh well maybe I should drink some coffee or something to open my eyes wider.
Just thought I'd share how my morning is starting off. Wowser