My husband and I were just talking at dinner about people we have called on or studied with. Some people I really liked, but it was clear that bringing them in the truth was like pushing a rope uphill. We had a little chuckle that they were smarter than we were all along. Congratulations on the little boy, they are the best aren't they !
Calling on an old RV
by Gladring 11 Replies latest jw experiences
Love the story. Thank you for sharing.
It is amazing how accepting people can be. I had somewhat experience with my family 2 years ago. I went to Grandma's 90th birthday party and saw a whole bunch of aunts, uncles and cousins that I had lost contact with due to both our JW separateness and our move 2500 miles away to the west coast. A few are just so happy that some in my family have made it out of the cult. They knew it was a cult all along.
You wrote: "What are you now?" he asked. "Nothing" I said. "You're like myself then!"
I was asked that question when I was in the hospital a few years ago and changed my religious affiliation on their records.
I told the nurse: "I am no longer a Jehovah's witness".
"What are you now?"
"Happy", was my response!
They laughed.
Congrats and thanks again for sharing.
Aude, what a quick wit. That was hysterical. Thanks for the laugh!
And such a sweet story Gladring! And congrats on baby blue bumpkin! -
good for you and your escape from the borg. its nice to have a good rv that is someone who cares for you yourselves and not your religious affiliations. Congratulations once again.
wow. That is a beautiful story. Thank God they didn't get captivated into the org.
Abbigail - Thanks for the compliment. It just came out. LOL.
I was actually quite pleased with myself to skipping over the JW-ism of saying 'one of Jehovah's witnesses' and just said: 'Jehovah's witness.' When they asked the followup question ('what are you now'), I was truly happy that I didn't have to worry about how best to represent the organization and was free to just worry about me and why I was in the hospital in the first place.
Happy, relieved, damn near delirious!
Thats really sweet going to visit her, I'm sure this will become a very good friendship...
h40 -
I'm slightly worried that she's going to call over to our house with a xmas tree and a pile of decorations though! She really goes all out for the holidays and thinks all houses with kids should do the same. Might be tough to explain the new decor to our in family!
Amha-'ret (aka Mrs Gladring)
That's a good story. There's an old RV of mine that I want to visit and tell him I'm out. I know he'll be falling all over himself with gratification.
Have you ever seen the youtube clips under the title of "Sorry I knocked on your door" or something like that? Its a bunch of xjws apologising for the "ministry" they did. Well, I prefer the more personal approach of calling back on those who knew something we didn't at the time. I felt better after doing it and I know that the lady in question was relieved also.
Hope you call on that person DoomVoyager. Let us know how it goes if you do.